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Kara was right!

Mary Featherston

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  • HearPeers Heroes

My processor has been causing fairly sharp pain in my ear after about 8 hours of wearing it.  I had my second audiologist appointment today and mentioned it to her and she suggested (drum roll) moleskin.  Right under where the ear hook is, so it can kind of cushion the top of my ear.  So I bought some, and it works!  Yay.

Also, she turned up my volume so now the beepies are WAY louder.  :-)

I'm also doing better with speech, though it's still very distorted.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Sounds like you are on the up and up! It definitely takes time. Lol for the moleskin. I’m still afraid to take it off. 

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  • HearPeers Heroes

It helped, but didn't completely do away with the pain.  I suspect it's because my incision is still pretty tender - my glasses are there, and that seemed to bother it, and now the processor too.  It's healing, though, and I'm working my way through it all.  Just not very patiently, heh.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

@Mary Featherston

While you are still healing, you may want to wear your Sonnet on a headband at home to give your incision area and ear a break.  It may not be an awesome fashion statement but it may be more comfortable while you heal.  Just a thought.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

That's a good idea, thanks, @Mary Beth.  It can be completely covered up, right?  It won't have feedback like a hearing aid?

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  • HearPeers Heroes

No feedback issues with CIs.  Isn’t that wonderful?  If you can keep the mics exposed, it may sound better.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

@Mary Featherston I couldn’t wear the Sonnet hanging on my ear for months! I braided my hair and wore headbands like Mary Beth suggested. It was much more comfortable and I still wear the headband when I go home just because it’s so comfy ? 

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  • HearPeers Heroes

@Megan L.Are you using a Med-El headband? Wondering if I should order this ahead of time. 

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  • HearPeers Heroes

@Jewel nah! I use regular headbands from the store ? you can get a variety of colors that way! If you are getting the Sonnet and not the Rondo or one of each, you may want to invest in a headband and mole skin. My ear was sore and my sutures popped to the surface irritating my skin causing scabs. I was thankful to have the Rondo and headbands while my ear/incision healed

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Good grief, I didn't think of that, @Megan L..  I was looking for some fabric around the house to make one with (and didn't, and it's because I had some nice stretchy stuff that was left over from a project, and I hadn't used it after a year and pitched it, and NOW I want it....). I didn't want to order through the mail and wait. 

But I can go to Target tomorrow.  :-)

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Glad to help @Mary Featherston!!!! Don’t you hate it when you throw something out and you realize later you could’ve used it?! 

I love Target! You’all definitely be able to find something there. I also secure the top and bottom of the headband with a bobby pin to avoid it slipping/moving ? 

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Hm, I'd have to buy bobby pins too, @Megan L.  - my hair's currently a little less than 2" long on top.  I wore it down to my waist for 30 years or so and one day went out and had it cut.  Donated my braid to that place that makes hairpieces for cancer patients and never looked back.  Now instead of 3 hours for my hair to dry it's about 15 minutes. 

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  • HearPeers Heroes

My hair is slippery so that’s why I use bobby-pins @Mary Featherston you may not need them or you might be able to find headbands that have a little bit of rubber on them to prevent it from moving. I used to have long hair to my waist too ? I did the same - donated it to help make a wig for cancer patients. It’s never been that long ever since! Haha 15 mins to dry your hair - that’s nice ? mine takes an hour to air dry!

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  • HearPeers Heroes

I stopped at the store.  No headbands but I got a cotton scarf that's working well.  I'm able to enclose the processor completely, it's very stable, and it's SO NICE to lose the ear pain.  I'm going to wear it with this all weekend.  Thanks, everyone!

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Darn!!! Keep an eye out, you’ll find them in strange places - my mom brought me a bunch from Big Lots...not the most fancy but super comfy ? I’ve seen some at Walmart as well. I used a scarf too before I got my headbands. Works just as well! Enjoy the pain free ear!!!!! And...I just put on my headband to give my ear a break ?

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  • HearPeers Heroes

@Mary Beth 

Its been a while!! It’s not really ideal for work with the phone, meetings, noise, etc. maybe at home and out and about it would be good. Maybe I’ll wear it tomorrow. I wear the Sonnet out of habit ? smile!

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