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Drumming Sound

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Hi all.

My Sonnet 2 processor started getting a strange drum or beating sound. It starts quiet and increases in sound with regular intervals of the drum sound of every second or so. If I tap on the processor it suddenly changes to a quieter rapid tapping sound and goes away. I might get around 5 or 10 minutes and it starts up again.

I changed the coil and cable under warranty hoping this would resolve, but it has not.

Anyone had or heard of someone having similar issue? I have reached out to our local Med-el rep but curious if anyone here has any clue what this could be. I hope it is not the implant!

Thanks :)

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  • HearPeers Heroes


I have not heard of this.

Have you removed and reattached the rechargeable battery adapter or disposable battery pack and then reattached yet?

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I have. A little bit before your reply I switched out my Rogers battery cover with the Sonnet 2 cover and I have yet to have the clicking sound happen. Hopefully this is resolved but of course if so, I do hope the Rogers cover is under warranty :)

Thanks Beth! 

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  • HearPeers Heroes


Another suggestion is to disconnect the Roger21 from the Select, then reset the Select.  After that start with pairing the Roger21 again.

Those sounds you hear may be the Roger21 losing and trying to regain connection to the Select.



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