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New Mapping


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  • HearPeers Heroes


I'm just sharing something that helped me get a better map in case it may help you too. When I was having difficulty getting the low sounds and high sounds to seem balanced (not too bass heavy, not too high pitched) in my left ear, we decided to test each threshold. That is when the audiologist has you listen to the beeps but instead of saying when it is comfortably loud, you do the opposite. You track that beep down to the quietest level where you can detect it at all. Then the audiologist uses this info to set your threshold (which basically is the loudest setting on each electrode that we CAN NOT hear). Med-El has a default threshold setting and that works for many, many people. However, when we tested my left thresholds we found that they were not at all level with each other. By setting the thresholds and then adjusting the MCLs, we were able to balance out the low and high pitches.

Maybe this would help you too. Just sharing in case you want to discuss it with your audiologist.

I'm a fan of testing thresholds because even though my right ear had much more level thresholds, there is an improved quality of sound with these tested thresholds.


Mary Beth, I took the information you gave me to my audiologist and I now have a program set up to try. I will keep you informed as I progress with it. Thank you!

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  • HearPeers Heroes

I hope it works for you Sandy. It made a big difference for my left map.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Interesting approach...  :huh:  - and innovative also... ^_^

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  • HearPeers Heroes

I will ask for this when I go in two weeks.

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