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Sonnet 2 - Roger Pen music streaming quieter than with OPUS implant

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Hello, I have recently switched my cochlear implant from good old OPUS to SONNET 2 - while there are no issues with the new implant itself, and the upgrade is just feeling (hearing) great, I have noticed that while listening to music via ROGER PEN, my new processor while offering better sound quality and clearness, it is noticeably quieter.

Settings for the new processor have been copied from my old one without further adjustments (weren't required as of yet, still in testing period).

Processor is not set to its maximums (I believe it is at 50-55% range - those are software settings, both my old and current devices were running adjusted to max volume via remote) so if that is how the new processor works in this specific case - theres room for adjustment, but I though before bothering my implant settings specialist with a visit - is there perhaps something obvious that I am missing since im new to this hardware? 

  • HearPeers Heroes

@Alan Faiz

Yes you are correct.  The impedance in the Sonnet processor is different than the OPUS2 and that shows up as the Roger audio being way quieter.

Good news is there is an easy fix.

Are you using the Roger X receiver plugged into the Sonnet’s battery cover that has the Euro jack (3 holes)?

5 minutes ago, Mary Beth said:

@Alan Faiz

Are you using the Roger X receiver plugged into the Sonnet’s battery cover that has the Euro jack (3 holes)?

Yes, one receiver on the Sonnet battery cover, secondary one on my normal hearing aid 

  • HearPeers Heroes

Okay those Roger X receivers come in two types which look exactly the same.  Type (02) and type (03).  The way to know whether you have type (02) or (03) is to look near the three pins.  It is printed there.

Do you have type (02) or type (03)?




  • HearPeers Heroes

Terrific because this fix ONLY works with type (02).


The issue you may have is this fix requires the temporary use of either a Roger Touchscreen Mic or a Roger Inspiro Mic.  It’s easy to do and we only need access to one of these mics to make the setting change.  The change will be stored in your receiver (mark it or leave it attached to the Sonnet battery cover so you know which receiver was set to the CI setting for Sonnet).  Hopefully your audiologist has access to one.


It makes a huge volume difference.

If this is not possible, you can choose to purchase a Roger 21 receiver for your Sonnet.  It is already set up for Sonnet and is integrated into the battery cover.

Connevans sells them and ships internationally.



9 minutes ago, Mary Beth said:

It makes a huge volume difference.

So if it's just Roger Pen settings issue, that's great, my audiologist has these devices and ill pay him a visit first to see if this can be resolved that way - every type of connection works so just some adjustments to volume would be needed in this case. Thanks for help!

  • HearPeers Heroes

It’s not a Roger’s Pen settings issue.

It’s a setting on the Roger X (02) receiver that needs to be changed.  To communicate with the Roger X (02) receiver in order to change the setting we need to use Roger Inspiro or Roger Touchscreen Mic.  Just to alter the setting.  After the setting is altered, audio from your Roger Pen will sound louder on your Sonnet2.

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