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AudioStream cover in dryer?

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I have seen users comment in another FB group for MedEl that AudioStream covers should not be left on the Sonnets when placed in the dryer.  They will take that cover off, leaving the disposable batteries in the battery frame and put the processor in the dryer.  I have not had any issues with my Sonnets after putting the entire processors with the AudioStream into the dryer for the last couple years.  
Does anyone know what is right or wrong? 

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  • HearPeers Heroes

@Karen T

I know Med-El changed their guidance and now says not to keep disposable batteries in the dryer so I have been removing the batteries every night.

Let’s ask @MED-EL Moderator if the AudioStream can go in the dryer

  • HearPeers Heroes

@Karen T

It may be because the Dry Space UV directions say this…

4. Open the lid of your DRY-SPACE UV
5. Remove the batteries from your battery pack, 

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