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Progress when implanted later?


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My son was implanted at 5 years old and did not have language prior to implant.  Anyone have similar implant age?  How did your child progress with the implant?

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  • 2 weeks later...

My girlfriends daughter was implanted at the age of 4 and is doing well.  Her speech is coming.  Everytime I see her she has new words and I see her at least 1 time a week. My kids love to teach her new words.   My daughter was implanted at 8 months so it seemed to come slower for her I think because of her young age.  With M being 5 now and seeing the other kids talk and get what there asking for or even just to get someone's attention has really helped her.  No one will give her things unless she gives them a word maybe not the correct word but, a word.  Just remember her hearing age and her birth age are two different things.  She'll get there just keep filling her with language. People use to look at me like I was CRAZY because I would give her play by play of everything I was doing just to expose her to language.

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I was born profound deafness and didn't wear the BTE hearing aids until 4 yrs of age as they didn't know enough then and I do have normal speech which people don't believe I'm deaf and from what I understand the cochlear implant is even better so I don't see any problem and young kids are very fast learner

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  • 3 weeks later...

My son was implanted at 8. We were cautioned that the failure rate is much higher at that age. He used primarily sign language, tried to speak, but it was only understandable by my husband and I. He just had his 18 month checkup for his implant. He is doing wonderfully. His speaking is so improved, that we can talk on the phone and most people are able to understand what he is saying. He still relies heavily on sign language and probably always will, but we are so excited about the speech improvement. None of our family members have taken an interest in learning his language, which saddens us, but now they can actually have some fairly decent conversations with him.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi, my son have been  CI implanted for 5 years now. But seem he can only hear loud sound, & not clear speech.

So in order to communicate we study basic sign language. For now my son under go speech therapy.

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  • 8 months later...

Glad to see this forum.  My son is 8 and received CI two years ago.  Hearing aids were not doing the trick as far as speech up until then.  He has one CI and is in the process of surgery scheduling for a second one.  His speech is surely developing but its a slow process.  He gets lots of therapy and help through school and we work with him a lot....doing the "play by play" of all of our actions and the objects around us, as was mentioned in a previous reply above.  His expressive speech is only around about 3 year old level right now.  Receptive speech (understanding) is higher.  Its coming but it seems to take a ton of time and effort.  I am wondering how others who have kids with CI and started late in language development are faring with it.

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