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low tone shadow while hearing


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I only have had this CI for about 3 months and I do get adjusted but I am having an annoying issue with low tones shadowing when I am hearing. It not always but it's there.

The best I can explain is when I am hearing a conversation and there is all the words and pitch that I can hear but a low bubbling sound is going on. The audiologist has eliminated most of it but it still there. Again it is not always there.

has anyone experience this?

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  • HearPeers Heroes

I experienced what I called a low wavy sound that was noticeable when listening to sustained speech but not noticeable at the word level.  I described it as a sound you hear after the tympani is played- not the actual bangs on the tympani but the wavy tone quality afterwards.  We waited a bit and when that did not settle down, we turned off electrode 1 and it went away.  So keep talking with your audiologist and experiment a bit to find a remedy.


I am not sure if what we are describing is the same sound or not, but trial and error with MAPping changes can make a big difference.

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I get that sound as well... so I got 2 things going on.. or it's the same thing with electrode 1... hmmm will work with my audi on that one.

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  • 1 month later...

went for my 3 months adjustments. The Audio deactive my first electrode 1. The continuous drumming noise is gone. I now get sometime a percolator sound now on some low pitch. I will keep records on what causes it and when I go back in Feb, we will see what can be done.

now on a good note before the change happen, we had word recognition test. Prior to my CI operation my word recognition was at 11% now it's at 70%. She was very impress, not everyone does that well in 3 months.

All is going good... I just keep working on the Angel Sound software every day.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Awesome!  You are doing terrific!  Keep at it.  I am glad that drumming noise went away for you.  That must make things sound better.

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  • 1 month later...

Well went for my 4th adjustment. Still having issues with the low tones. So they started from scratch. Major improvement. Also now have my12th electrode turned off, I was feeling the noise but not hearing the noise. So once again, I start learning to deal with certain sound that is new to me. Every day something new sound comes my way.. All good part of the learning process.. not even 6 months and they are amaze in my adaptability. Before I left they tested the CI and now have 78% hearing.

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