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What alarm clock to buy


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  • HearPeers Heroes

I hope someone can help. I usually wake up without an alarm, however, on the rare occasion that I sleep past 5 a.m., or if I need to catch a plane I want to make sure I get up. Can anyone tell me what they use?

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Just to give you the chuckle of the day, a few weeks ago I wound my regular alarm before I realized I wouldn't hear it. One of life's amusing stories.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Sandy, I use a shake awake type alarm. It is pretty small and you place it under your pillow. when the alarm sounds it will vibrate. it is enough to wake you but not scare you half to death. there are a number of them on the market.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Thanks Adam. I will take a look for one.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

I know harris communications sells MANY different types. you can cehck them out online

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a Sonic Alert alarm clock with the shaker attachment and it has never failed me.  My wife is a sound sleeper so she has one as well (she hears just fine but benefits from the shaking lol) and I purchased a third clock to keep in my carry-on so I have one to take when I travel.


I used to have a shake-awake that clips onto my pillow but it would sometimes get buried somewhere in the bed and not wake me up. I lost trust in it one morning when I woke up and checked it - only to find that it was dead (batteries died overnight).


Hope this helps - the clocks aren't the cheapest but they do last a long time.  The one on my bedside is probably every bit of 25 years old and still works like new!

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Chuckie, the same thing has happened to me before. only once, i'm paranoid of the batteries dying in the middle of the night. The only time I use it is if I HAVE to wake up at a certain time (usually early) before my wife.

It is very reliable though, as you, I have had mine for quite a while.

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Sandy,  I use the Shake-Awake travelling alarm clock and clip it to my shirt when going to bed.  When not in use, I remove the batteries.  There are a multitude of devices out there but you will want to look at one that can attach to you, like on a wrist band or a clip.


Good morning, Ms. Coull, your mission, should you decide to accept it is to find an alarm clock that will work for all CI users! This message will self-destruct in.....Cool

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  • HearPeers Heroes

John, what i usually do is put the alarm in the pillow case with the pillow. Obviously under the pillow so my head isnt directly touching it. Putting it in the pillow cas will prevent it from sliding out from under the pillow

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  • HearPeers Heroes

John, mission accepted. Thanks and have a great day!

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Good luck Sandy, may the force be with you. Wait a minute, wrong movie.

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I have a timer attached to my lamp.  The lamp is set on and at the right time it comes on and it will turn off automatically 30mins later.  It is very hard for me to sleep through the light.  When I was having trouble waking up I set the timer for two settings.  Eg. One at 6.30am and off at 6.35am then on again at 6.45am and off at 7.15am.  Basically it was an auto snooze setting.  I would wake up with the light or when the light went off.  Doesn't work with a touch lamp for obvious reasons though.  Tried that.....  And not 'travel' proof. In past, relied on people or use vibrate setting on cellphone for that but its not great.  May investing in vibrating watch? or clock?

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  • HearPeers Heroes

yeah im pretty sure my wife would not be lovin the lamp.


Would love to hear from somebody on how well the watches work.

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My son uses the Sonic Boom alarm. You can set it for different types of alarms: vibrate, blinking red lights or a buzz/ring. You can adjust the pitch and volume of the buzz according to what you can hear. You can use each type of alarm individually or in conjunction with the others. We use the combination of the vibrate and buzz so my hearing son can benefit too. I love that my implanted son can be independent in the morning!

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  • HearPeers Heroes

That sounds awesome Patrice, I am going to have to look into those. where did you get yours?

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I shopped a bit online. I looked at Harris, but I ultimately bought it from Amazon. I think it was around $30-40 with free shipping.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Thanks for everyone's input. I looked art Sonic Alarm and it looks to be the best choice so far with the watch.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Sandy I was curious about the watch. I did not want to buy one until i talked to somebdoy that had it. please let me know what you think.

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