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I have booked my bone bridge implant next month. I am trying to find information as i am very nervous.  Reding everyone experience, like pain , ear like elf after surgery. Can someone give me Information. What is good and bad about bonebridge?

I had middle ear infections in left ear as child. Due to infection i lost little bone in left middle ear. I have progressive hearing loss .I used hearing aids, didn't work for me. I had surgery in my ear before two years. Didnt improve my hearing as scar tissue close middle ear cannel.  Doctor suggested me bonebridge is good option for me. But I am really concerned and worried . 

Thank you 

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Hello Kamini,

I had a hunch MB...;) and stopped by :)

I have my BB for 3 years now – my hearing loss is due to the other kind of pathology, a congenital malformation of the middle and outer ear which caused bilateral conductive hearing loss.

That being said, let's return to you: it is mixed hearing loss due to your chronic middle ear infection, right? People usually stop by in the World Wide Web when they actually have a problem or are possibly misinformed. Or are not informed at all… Those who do not have some of the aforementioned, most often do not have the urge to explain their experiences. It is simply a statistical result.

I understand your fear, because just like Lovecraft wrote: “The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown”, but there is no need for fear at all. Make an appropriate list of legitimately collected questions which you should present to your surgeon. It is and should be an open discussion between two sides in the process.  

I can hardly be objective here, because I was one of the firstly implanted people with Bonebridge more isolated because, even today, number of implanted people online is negligible, but I will do my best.

The internal unit of BB is a bit of chubby and protrudes a bit above the surface of the temporal bone if it is not implanted completely. Sometimes a thickness of the temporal bone is not thick enough. Moreover, the problem is postoperatively standing away auricle but this is only for a month, most for two because of soft tissue edema. When the swelling goes away, your auricle will return to its natural position.

Postoperative pain is something that is reasonable for expect, but that is why the painkillers were invented. Pain is highly subjective emotion (like fear) and while waiting for a full recovery of artificially wounded tissue (because this is a definition of an operation), it is reasonable to take something for.

And … at the end – food for your thoughts … The forth day after the surgery, I was on my bike riding nearly 30 kilometers around the city where I live…^_^

I cannot think now more details, but if there is anything else where I can help – please remind me ;)








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Hi @Kaminithanks for reaching out to the HearPeers community and it's great to hear that you're getting a BONEBRIDGE. If you're after some more specific information, take a look through the BONEBRIDGE forum for questions, answers and stories from existing users. We also have lots of inspiring user stories on our blog, including this one, and you can find more specific information here.  Please don't hesitate to reach out to the HearPeers community with any more questions you may have - we all here for you during this exciting time. 

Kind regards, 

Leigh – HearPeers Support Team

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Thank you Leigh for your response.  I read lots of stories- there are more about some heart break experience, like pain after surgery. I am really very nervous, i am looking forward for results but scare from other side effects  I also read about some users had bad experiences with implants and programming.  Its that true. What can i do to go through smooth process. Where can i ask for support as i found doctor and staff are not supporting much.

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Hi @Kamini. Feeling nervous about your surgery is completely understandable. As with any surgery, there may be some pain, but many recipients experience a quick recovery time. @Ivana Marinac should be able to give your more details and connect you with other BONEBRIDGE users. I can also put you in touch with your local MED-EL Representative, who will be able to offer you more support during this time.  

Kind regards, 

Leigh – HearPeers Support Team

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On 24/11/2017 at 10:18 PM, Kara of Canada said:

Hey @Ivana Marinac! Nice to see you back!  Try using more layman’s terms. You confuse even me! 

Layman? :)

Pardon me, but sometimes balancing between the professional expression and trying not to write oversimplified - lose me. What can I describe better? :unsure:

Huh... :rolleyes: Extremely bad sinus infection and cough put me in a pretty grumpy feeling...:( I was not in the mood for anything....

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  • HearPeers Heroes
On 27/11/2017 at 11:35 PM, Kara of Canada said:

Well I sure hope you feel better @Ivana Marinac  just simple terms so everyone will understand. 

Huh... this isn't always easy to do... Being between two worlds - but, I will have your remark on my mind for further comments... 

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