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Loss of implant contact after blowing nose

Terry Bush

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I posted this on Facebook page so if you've seen it before I apologize.  i am trying to gather information from other that may have experienced the same issue.

Here goes: I blew my nose when due to congestion and rhinitis. I was very congested. I immediately lost any sound provided by my implant. I determined that I had introduced air underneath the implant which caused it to lose contact with my skull. After the air dissipated with some digital massage, the sound returned. It was very disconcerting. I spoke with my surgeon and he said he was told that there are reports of this happening up to 3 months post-op. It has happened several more times although I have been trying to blow my nose more gently.  This time of year I am so congested that I have to blow my nose to be able to breath.

Has anyone else experienced this and, if so, has it resolved and how long did it take?

I am going to have a CT done to look at implant placement and electrode array insertion.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

I am sorry this happened to you.  Yes I have heard of it happening and as you mentioned gentle nose blowing is best.  I hope everything returns back to normal for you soon.  Keep us posted.

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  • 2 years later...

Ok, well don't blow your nose hard... even if there is no discomfort. 

Audi had me to gently rub the area where the magnet is... after a few minutes the ci is working again. Well see if there is any long term issues from it. 

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  • HearPeers Heroes

I am sorry this happened to you @Dan W.


You can find reports online about this potential issue related to nose blowing and CIs.  I hope it does not happen to you again.


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I took it easy when blowing my nose after that and it happened several more times. It took about 6 months for it to disappear and now it doesn’t happen at all. It just takes time for the swelling to do completely away and for everything to sclerose down so that contact can’t be broken. 

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  • 2 years later...


I don't know if this is the same case or not but my son had his device activated 3months ago and for the past few days he would stop responding firstly I thought he is just not listening to me but since last night he has completely stopped responding to any kind of sound and has stopped making sounds he is just 1.5 years old I'll have him and his device checked the day after tomorrow till then if anyone can guide me through I'll be very grateful


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  • HearPeers Heroes


This link takes you to a walk through troubleshooting guide for Rondo2 to check to make sure the processor is working correctly.


Do you live in the US?

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  • HearPeers Heroes


I hope your son’s CI team can sort this out quickly.  If you need more help, @MED-EL Moderator can put you in touch with the Med-El team that supports Pakistan.

Please let us know how things go.  

Wishing the very best for your son.

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Hi Amna, would you please share your contact details (name, e-mail, phone number) in a private message? We can then get you in touch with the local MED-EL team.

Kind regards,

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