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Remote programming with HearCare

Mary Beth

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Med-El received FDA approval for HearCare in November.  Today at a CI appointment in NYC, they had not heard anything about it yet.

I realize Med-El does not discuss items before receiving FDA or CE approval.  But since HearCare already has FDA approval, is there any word on when it will be released so clinics can offer remote programming for their Med-El users like they do already for competitor brands?


Has anyone heard anything yet?


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I haven’t heard anything about HearCare but my audiologist clinic should be updated to Maestro 10 by the time of my next appointment. 

My audiologist is aware the app is coming but it depends on clinics opting into the service. Not sure if mine will opt in or not. 

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Last I heard from MedEl was they were hoping to roll it out in the next few months but had ran into some issues of sorts.

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There's legal complexities around how remote programing will be offered since each state has different practice requirements. From what I've been told, only clinics from the state you officially reside in will be allowed to send you remote programming.

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