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I've been activated!


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Well, I just got home from my initial activation appointment and the one word to describe it is "Weird!"

At first I just burst out laughing because I heard nothing but strange noise even tho I could see people's mouths moving.  My own voice sounded the strangest of all.  Within minutes I started to make out words (with intent lipreading), but imagine Donald Duck talking in an empty, tile room with 'reverb' added plus a slight delay, like when a movie's audio doesn't sync perfectly with its video.  It's already gotten a bit better but still very weird-sounding: mostly robotic.

The strangest sounds are high frequency ones: a spoon tapping against a china cup or the crackling of plastic - that sort of sound is simply something I "feel" as an almost-painful "feeling" in my head and it takes me several moments to make the connection, "Wait a minute! That's a spoon clinking against a cup, not just some random tinnitus or almost-pain in my head!" The very high pitched sounds (think crinkly plastic/paper) also almost make me feel ever-so-slightly woozy.
I can't understand words without lipreading, but I've been activated all of 4 hours, and I know it's only going to get better.  My next appt is tomorrow morning.

I was given an Opus 2 and a Rondo and I asked that my 'free' Rondo be held back in case I decide I want two Opii instead of two Rondo's.  In either case I will end up with THREE processors!  I was also given a free Zephyr (from Dry-N-Store) and a Bluetooth Amplified Loopset (I don't even know what that is).  The Opus 2 came with 6 different colors for the battery case in addition to the brown.  No special cover for the Rondo though.  Right now I happen to have the Opus 2 on but later I'll switch to the Rondo.  The Opus2 and magnet are so light I can't tell they're on; same for the Rondo. 

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  • HearPeers Heroes



yep that sounds about right. Any high pitched noise like plates glasses silverware coming out of the dishwasher almost sent me over the edge. Like you said almost painful. We turned down the number 12 electrode for a little while then gradually turned it back up.


anyway enjoy cartoonland for a little while but it will change soon enough.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Congratulations Lisa and welcome to cartoonland! I, too have the plastic bag syndrome. It drives me nuts and my friends think its funny! The sounds get better! So happy for you!

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Only 10 hours into this and things are already sounding a bit less 'weird'.

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Lisa, your Order of the Penguin has come to life and the penguins are talking to you!  welcome, Lisa is what they are saying.  a gigantic woo hoo for you!!!! You want to put the processors you wore that day in the Zephyr overnight so they will be dried to a turn.  the Quattro neck lopp you received will be used to connect to your cell phone, anything Bluetooth, etc.  you will use the FineTuner on either T or M/T.  don't worry about using it for at least several months.  when you are ready to venture forth, drop me a note and I will walk you through its use. You will be able to walk down the streets alone, talking to yourself and people will think you're more nuts than you already are, but in reality, you will be on the phone.  I use the Quattro when watching TV.


In short, I am so happy for you! now we need  pics of you with the bionic ear!



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  • HearPeers Heroes

John, I have to agree. love my F/M system. Thats right Lisa, Post some pics!!

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Congratulation Lisa, The Mickey Mouse sound is just like what I heard for the first few days when I first got activated. Those high pitch sound drove me crazy. I had high pitch hearing loss before the implant and could not hear the ambulance, had one right behind me when I suddenly look in my mirror, just about gave me a heart attack. It took about a couple weeks to get used to it and I really enjoy listening to anything with high pitch since I have miss out on that. Listening to the birds was cool, I could hear the different tune from each species.Try to go somewhere that doesn't involve too much high sound to get accustomed to your hearing from the start.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Great news Lisa.

I had forgotten about the delay - like a badly synched movie. I think this took a couple of weeks to settle completely but improved significantly in a few days.

Looking forward to your thoughts over the next few weeks.


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