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Problems with sleep


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My boy is 5 and has profound hearing loss.  We got his CI May 22nd.  We activate June 27th.  Have any parents had issues with your child not sleeping thru the night?  Mine, since birth, has woken up around 2am looking for me.  He says he is afraid.  Would you think it is bc he can't hear us in the house and has to have visual confirmation??  Has anyone dealt with this?  

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Hello, Our daughter who was bilaterally implanted at 14 months (now 8yrs. old) has had sleeping problems since birth.  My daughter constantly needed my touch and warmth to fall asleep.  Yes we also felt it was down to lack of sense of hearing at night.  We also had to resort to giving melatonin, prescribed by paediatrician as I was falling ill due to sleep deprivation.  We chose to co-sleep as that is the only thing that really helped her to sleep through the night.  Does he have a night lamp in his room?  Sometimes a comfort cloth, stuffed toy(sleep buddy) may also help.  Every child is different and there is no one solution you just have to keep trying different things to comfort your child and hope it works or sometimes growing up a little is the only option.  Also checkout if there are any books that may help to address the fear he has.  Good luck!!

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  • HearPeers Heroes

I don't know if the problem could be the same or similar but I talk yo about it.

Personally the nights of first year after to be implanted, I woke up dizzy some nights. The first few times I was afraid. The room turning around without light, produce a strange feeling creating disorientation. Try to imagine it.

I detected the dizziness happens depending the head position where I have the CI. If the dizziness happen when you are awake, I turned fast to other position and this disappear, in some seconds  but if you are sleeping, you can not detect it with time to move the head to avoid the feeling increase, and the dizziness is worse.

With the time the dizziness had been reduced, This don't disappear completely but these are't intenses as the first months and now, I know how to avoid it increase.

In other way, and again after surgery, was the tinninus. A low tone sound that just listening, maybe scare the boy.


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  • 4 weeks later...

I have littered the house with night lights!  It seems to work.  I have put over 10 of them around his room, the hall, my room, the bathrooms.  He has slept for 1 full week in his own bed.  I am thankful for your comments!  

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • HearPeers Heroes
16 minutes ago, Valentin said:

@mshaley2 Can you explain how do you do it? Are these special lights?

Valentin, there are little lights - usually small bulbs, not very bright, just enough to have a little light.  We put them in the power outlets so we can get up and see to go use the bathroom without turning on the main lights.

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  • HearPeers Heroes
16 minutes ago, Valentin said:

@mshaley2 Can you explain how do you do it? Are these special lights?

Valentin, there are little lights - usually small bulbs, not very bright, just enough to have a little light.  We put them in the power outlets so we can get up and see to go use the bathroom without turning on the main lights.

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