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Hi. I became totally deaf very quickly as a result of Meniere's Disease about 5 years ago (age 57) and recieved my CI implant on one side about 6 months after. With the Meniere's, I also suffered and still do, terrible Tinnitus; however, the side that received the CI (Med-el) is not afflicted with that anymore. The non-implanted side is horrible, with various sounds ranging from a screaming Opera singer, loud humming refrigerator, static radio or jet. I would love to have the other side done but that is not possible due to cost as in Ontario, Canada, only one CI is funded by the province. My question: do any of you suffer from tinnitus?


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  • HearPeers Heroes


I have had tinnitus for decades.  I was fortunate to not be too bothered by the sounds except when I was tired or ill.  Then they were very annoying.  My CIs mask the tinnitus a lot!  I wish you could get your second side done.  Some people in Canada are able to get a second CI by agreeing to participate in research.  Have you discussed that possibility with your CI audiologist?

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  • HearPeers Heroes


In the US, it varies depending on health insurance plans but most adults who qualify are able to get bilateral CIs.

I will tag you in a topic about bilateral versus unilateral CIs to answer your other question.

Wishing you the best.  I hope you stick around HearPeers.  We are a friendly group.

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I had tinnitus that seemed to disappear after single side implant. Sadly about two years post activation, the tinnitus has returned but to a much lesser degree than before, so much so that I don’t usually notice it unless it is really quiet.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

I have tinnitus, and have had for decades.  When I have my processors (I'm bilateral) on the tinnitus is largely masked, but at night I do hear it.  It's just ringing, though, nothing like what you describe, and I'm used to it.  The first time I noticed that the ringing wasn't going away was 1973.

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MaryBeth, I did speak to my Audiologist regarding going into a Research group but that was not an option in London where I had mine one done. I also heard that Ottawa Hosp was doing them for tinnitus but when I asked them about it they said they only operate on residents. 

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  • HearPeers Heroes


I am sorry getting a second CI is not an option.  I wish everyone could be bilateral if they want to be.

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