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Bilateral CI candidate. First time poster, saying hello


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Hello! I'm a bi-lateral CI candidate. And my first post here, so I thought I'd introduce myself a little.

I live in Washington (state), and I love to go sailing. I enjoy tinkering with the Raspberry Pi and playing various computer games with friends and family spread across the US.  For my job, I am responsible for breaking all the things that my software developer peers create.

When I was a couple months old, my hearing degraded rapidly and profoundly and I grew up wearing hearing aids and continue to wear them today. I've been putting off getting CI's since I thought I was doing ok with hearing aids and lip reading. Last year, I started noticing I struggled in understanding speech and was worn down more mentally throughout the workday. I went in for a CI evaluation and found that both of my ears qualify and that I was leaning really hard on lipreading for communications. In other words, I don't really understand what people are saying unless I'm lipreading them.

My CI center was helpful in pointing me to the 3 brands and said that they generally perform in about the same range, and are extremely good about being non-biased. Unfortunately, the lack of bias and stating that the brands perform similarly makes my decision of which brand to go with a bit difficult. Since the evaluation, I've been spending a lot of time reviewing the materials available online from the three brands and managed to narrow my choice down to two. I'm currently involved heavily with talking with two audiologists, one from MedEl and one from another brand I'm still considering, to help me figure out which one to go with. I've barraged them with a million questions, and they have been great and informative.

I also went to a local CI user group coffee chat to learn more and understand what to expect post-surgery. Going to the coffee chat and meeting CI users was extremely helpful. I'm looking forward to the next one.

I'm still early on in the process of getting a CI, so I've been spending my nights reading through this forum, reading the materials on the MedEl site for the thousandth time, and searching through medical publications trying to figure out which one is better. I'm currently leaning towards MedEl as it seems like the longer electrode and fine hearing programs are better than the competition's offerings.

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I remember how it felt to choose a CI brand too.  Very weird feeling and a bit overwhelming.

Ask any questions you have.  We are a friendly group.

I love the hearing my Med-El CIs have given me.  Best decision ever.

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Thank you for the welcome! I'm looking forward to the possibilities that having a CI will open up to me. You are right, it is a weird feeling and bit overwhelming. I've already firmly decided that I'm going to get CIs bilaterally, though only one at a time.

I feel like Med-El is most likely the best solution for me, but I have a terrible tendency to hem and haw over big ticket items. I'll be sure to post my questions to learn more.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Welcome @Watersail

I can understand how draining it is to rely on lipreading with little help from HAs. 

It is a major decision choosing a CI brand. I found it overwhelming at times. One thing I was told is to choose the one that fits my lifestyle best. Take your time and do what you feel is best. 

I qualified for CIs on both ears but I only have one implant. If you're able to get both, go for it! 

Please keep us posted on your journey. Wishing you the best. 

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Thank you for the welcome! Fitting lifestyle is also difficult as all would be sufficient at it. There's quite the siren call of accessories, but when I boil it down, there's not too much I really need. DAI, possibly the Roger Pen, and bluetooth necklace. Though, the future 2.4 GHz wireless in the Sonnet is promising. 

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It is a difficult decision.  The parts that impact the quality of sound are the internal parts.  The external processors and accessories change all of the time.

After I was already implanted I did learn some things that made me glad I had chosen Med-El.

-in the US when we upgrade processors after 5+ years, Med-El is the only brand that offers a 5 year warranty on the upgrade kits.  The other brands offer 5 years on the activation kit but only 3 years on the upgrade kits.

-Med-El makes future processors compatible with all older internals.  (I thought every brand did that but I was wrong.). Some people with other brands can not use that brands’ newest processors.

You will find happy users with all 3 brands.  Choose whichever brand is best for you.

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You do have a daunting task ahead of you. I am bilateral I had one implant done in 2016 and the other in 2018. The biggest reason I went with MEDEL was at that time their implant was accepted for MRI now I think A.B is also ok with MRI.

I see in the previous post the warranty and upgrade has bee discussed which is very important.

MEDEL has an awesome customer service center.They are very helpful and responsive to you.

I see you have been in touch with a MEDEL REP have you gone to a MEDEL meet up or mingle if not get in touch with the rep and see when one is scheduled very informative and you will meet others there also,you can also find the MEDEL meet up on their Facebook .

This is a very informative blog so if you have any questions ask we are all in this together 


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I looked up on the MED-EL USA facebook page for meet ups. Unfortunately, nothing local for quite some time. Closest would probably be Portland at several hours away. Are there other mingle events that would be posted elsewhere?

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Sometimes there are events that do not show up on the Med-El USA FB page for some reason.  The best way to find out about events near you or to request an event near you is to ask Med-El USA to put you in touch with the CEM (Consumer Engagement Manager) for your region.  I am in the NE and we have an awesome CEM here.  Her name is Alexanna.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi all, I am also a CI candidate here is in Toronto, Ontario Canada - and I have not had the procedure yet.  however I feel that my left ear is deteriorated to the point were its really needed now. I am on the wait list and honestly - i am very scared . I follow you blogs and it has given me some comfort 

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  • HearPeers Heroes


welcome to HearPeers!  Feeling anxious is something many of us can relate to leading up to surgery and activation.

Feel free to ask us questions!

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Thank you Mary Beth - I really appreciate your welcome. 

I am on the waiting list right now - How long have you had your CI - does it help with your speech recognition - these are a lot of the issues that I have with my HA. I have to just pertend I understand sometimes - in a social setting - and at work - I have to ask the person to always face me - it so mentally stressing. 

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Yup.  Been there.  Done that.  It’s exhausting and frustrating.

My right CI has been activated for 4 years, 3 months.  My left CI has been activated for 3 years, 7 months.


Life changing!  Amazing hearing with these CIs.  Unbelievable.


I have Med-El CIs.

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Mary Beth - I have been researching - on the Med-EL site - 

I am interested in the Rondo 2 - I don know if it is in Canada yet - they showed me something. I dont know if it  was the Kanso or Rondo  -  but it looks pretty amazing - 



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Rondo 2 was released in the US near the end of last year.

I tried a Rondo 2 demo on at a Med-El Mingle event in NY last summer.  It is so much lighter than my Rondo 1.  I love my Rondo 1 but Rondo 2 is much cooler looking and so much lighter.

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@Brownielove20go for it I had it done twice as I am bilateral I had my first CI in 2016 and the second in 2018 both surgeries were a piece of cake for me with very little pain or discomfort how ever all surgeries are different, but you must look at it on the positive side of the many years you will have of hearing things that you haven’t heard before.It is worth a week or so of discomfort.

Good Luck Keep us posted 

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@dave and mary beth - 

I am so glad to have joined. I am hearing some great things - I know its lots of work - but some of my anxiety is put aside for the moment - until they call and say - I am next. 


Thank you both. 


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We are glad you joined too!  Looking forward to following your journey.

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@Brownielove20glad to hear that you are in line waiting and to to hear YOUR NEXT you will be happy with the end result.

HP is hear to help don’t  be afraid to ask questions .

Audio rehab will play a very important part your audiologists will instruct you.

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  • 7 months later...
On 3/22/2019 at 7:27 AM, Mary Beth said:


It is a difficult decision.  The parts that impact the quality of sound are the internal parts.  The external processors and accessories change all of the time.

After I was already implanted I did learn some things that made me glad I had chosen Med-El.

-in the US when we upgrade processors after 5+ years, Med-El is the only brand that offers a 5 year warranty on the upgrade kits.  The other brands offer 5 years on the activation kit but only 3 years on the upgrade kits.

-Med-El makes future processors compatible with all older internals.  (I thought every brand did that but I was wrong.). Some people with other brands can not use that brands’ newest processors.

You will find happy users with all 3 brands.  Choose whichever brand is best for you.

I thought all the other brands were backwards compatible, @ Mary Beth. Or maybe just Cochlear America.

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