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Just got my bilateral implant 3/28/14


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I am newish here, I've been a member but have a hard time figuring out how to navigate the site. Anyway, I got my first implant in my right ear in September 2008. I was part of the clinical trial for the EAS device and it has helped me a great deal. Unfortunately, over time my residual hearing diminished so much that I switched to a traditional processor (Rondo and Opus2) a few months ago. Also the residual hearing in my left ear has also become almost nonexistent so I went bilateral as of this past Friday 3/28/14. I am scheduled for activation this coming Friday 4/4, exactly one week later. Is this too soon? I've heard most people wait at least two weeks before activation, and sometimes longer. Should I be concerned about activating one week after surgery? I am anxious to find out what the difference will be with the bilateral implants but I don't want to rush it if it is not a good idea. By the way the new implant on the left is a traditional cochlear implant, not the hybrid I have in the right ear. I will wear the rondo and opus2 for both.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Hello Michelle,


it is hard to say to you welcome because you were here before all of us Smile

Regarding your question...Hmmm... I would say it is little bit early but I do not know what is the practice in USA, although manufacturers constantly warns not to rush to quickly with the device activation.

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The standard at my hospital (Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center in Lebanon, NH) is to wait 4 weeks in order to allow healing to progress and swelling to subside.  I was scheduled for 5 weeks post-op and I think I would have been ready at 3-4 weeks but certainly not at 1 week due to post-operative nausea, vertigo, fatigue, etc.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

I agree with Ivana and Lisa. Mine was over four weeks.

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Thanks everyone. I appreciate the responses. Your answers were the same as everything I have read, that most people get activated at a minimum of two weeks post surgery. I emailed my audiologist today and she said she typically goes ahead and activates at the post op visit between 1 and 2 weeks. Do any of you know what risks are involved in activating so early? Is it just a matter of vertigo and swelling?or is there more to be concerned with? Thanks again!

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Michelle, so much for trying to edit post on an iPad! What I was writing was that there is an AB bilateral CI user on FB who was implanted and activated the same day, so it can be done. My first activation was roughly two weeks after surgery, the second, no more than 10 days. The activation timeframe is normally predicated on recovery time. So best wishes for a highly successful 2nd activation.

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