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Link vs stream.


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Forgive me, I’m new to this forum.  

i have a 7 year old that has had implants since 2.  We’re now where we can order new ones for him.  I’m unfamiliar with the difference with the links vs stream.  Could anyone tell me which is preferred or better or any insight so I can make the best choice for my son?   Thank you in advance. 

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  • HearPeers Heroes


Welcome to HearPeers.

Which processor is your son going to get?

If Sonnet2, I prefer the AudioStream over the AudioLink.  AudioStream sounds better, much better, to me.  It streams all audio from phones and tablets directly to the Sonnet/Sonnet2.

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My son had meningitis and lost hearing.  We had to choose quickly at the hospital.  We are five years from that and have approval from insurance.  I just want to make the best choice for him.  He’s going to school and doing well.  We are asked which we want, but we don’t know.  The link seems cool and has great features, but the stream seems more stable.  Please help. 

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  • HearPeers Heroes


Are you in the US?  If yes, Med-El has regional representatives who can explain your options and show you how each processor works.

Which processor is your son using now?

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We are in the U.S.   he got them in 2016.  He has both the rondo and the sonnet.  We didn’t know at the time so we got one of each.  Knowing now, the sonnet is better for him.  Really just curious of the plus minus of the link vs stream.  

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  • HearPeers Heroes


We have two topics here that you may be interested in reading through.






I prefer AudioStream for its sound quality, direct streaming of all audio from my phone and true separate left/right audio for instrumentals.


AudioLink is not a good match for me. I experience sound quality issues, connectivity issues and it has a very small range.


Other users may have different preferences.


Mostly it is important to match the tech to the way we wish to use it.  


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Hi bogey, im a relatively new implantee, i used audiolink alot for the first 6 weeks as i figured out how to use it first. I also connected to my laptop easier with a cable, rehab training daily. However i have used only audiostream the last few days and absolutely prefer it. It hooked up to my audiolink automatically last night! So i was able to freely go about my day, streaming when i wanted to or not! Without a cable. The sonnet is larger, even larger with the audiostream cover. I have found it to be a day long no fuss device.  Phone calls get picked up etc.

Rondo seems much easier,  but i dont have one to compare.

I have been activated almost 2 months and a senior adult, there are others here with children. Welcome!



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Oh, im sorry, i do use audio link daily, i have it hooked up to a personal tv (no blue tooth) in my bedroom, i can move about even go to the restroom nearby without losing sound. The audiolink "stand" sits near the tv. If i want to move to my laptop its simple to unplug and switch.  

So summarizing, audio link needs cables, audio stream does not.

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