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My CI is the Nucleus 6 and my question is pertaining to the Remote Assistant.  I`ve noticed there are times when I`m watching TV, I do used the closed captions but I have the volume on, that the scanner window on the Remote Assistant doesn`t always indicate "noise and speech".  The reason that I am concerned about this is that I`m wondering if the device behind my ear is not fitting as it should and therefore not sending a signal to the Remote could that interfere with my hearing in general?


While watching TV if I reposition the device behind my ear a little then the Remote Assistant starts scanning and shows the "noise and speech" picture.  I do not have problems with the device falling off my ear but it does slip back at times so would it affect hearing quality which of late I have been having.





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  • HearPeers Heroes

Marion, thank you so much for joining hear peers. A majority of the folks on this Forum are Medel recipients. I do believe there are a couple of people that have cochlear. That being said, not too many people here will be able to answer your question


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Thank you Adam.  I did not realise that most people were Medel recipients obvious I did not connect that this was a Medel website!!!  Regardless I am glad to have found this website it is helpful in other ways.   The Cochlear website is not very active although I find that website extremely useful for rehabilitation which I use daily.



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  • HearPeers Heroes

Marion - regarding technical troubleshooting we may not help you but feel free to ask as many questions as you feel you need; if there is possibility, we'll glad to help because there are so many more things that people with CI, actually connects. :) like rehabilitation materials, general CI experience...etc.

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Thank you everyone....I must say you make a person feel very welcome.


I was implanted Feb 4th this year and activated beginning of March.  I did read that a recipient could have a problem with balance after the surgery.  Well I do have a unsteadiness when I walk and I was hoping this would be short term but it evidently not.  Feels like I`m walking on a ship.  Just wondering if anyone has experienced the same and did it eventually go away? 

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  • HearPeers Heroes


I did not have any issues with balance. I would talk to your surgeon to see if they might be able to help

Maybe try a different mapping as a few of the electrodes might be too high. Touch bad with your team, I am sure you will get to the bottom of it

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Hi Marion,

I did not experience that but I have read of others who have. Talk to your audiologist and surgeon. They may have suggestions for you.

Mary Beth

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Thank you everyone....I must say you make a person feel very welcome.

I was implanted Feb 4th this year and activated beginning of March. I did read that a recipient could have a problem with balance after the surgery. Well I do have a unsteadiness when I walk and I was hoping this would be short term but it evidently not. Feels like I`m walking on a ship. Just wondering if anyone has experienced the same and did it eventually go away?


From what you are saying, it could be the situation of postimplantation vertigo. It should be better because of the central compensation.

I would consult an ENT in order to get vestibular evaluation and according to the result - exercises or advice how to cope with that.

For instance, is your balance equally disturbed all the time? Can you feel at least a slight relief?

Try to do less sudden moves in order not to move too quick especially circular.

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Thanks everyone for your responses.  Ivana, you are right about not doing sudden moves.  If I turn too quickly then I am off balance but there are times when I do walk steadier.  There was someone who posted on another website that said she was still not walking steady after 12 months!!   I did see my surgeon about a month after the surgery and she attempted to do some manipulation around my neck area but was unable as she said I needed to be more relaxed....the end result was that she said to give it time and hopefully it would improve.   I have had a problem with vertigo over a number of years so maybe there is a connection.


I will be seeing my audiologist next month.


Thanks again .....Marion

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Marion - this could definitely be connected: what kind of vertigo did you gave? Was that connected with episode of sudden hearing deterioration?

She was trying to do basic position maneuvres in order if you experience so called benign positional peripheral vertigo. But if you had vertiginous attacks before - this won't change your situation. Sometimes there is also delayed vertigo, experienced after the implantation.

One thing is certain, your surgeon's thoughts were ficused on central compensation - time is definitely here the factor because your brain needs some time to bypass your disbalance. It is slowly process however so patience is definitely needed.

Until than, try to make more cautious moves - this will definitely help you to bypass this period.

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Thank you Ivana.  Yes, you are right re what the surgeon was trying to do, I just couldn`t put it into words.


To be perfectly honest I`m not too informed re my vertigo....I was told I had Meneires?  My hearing started to deteriorate about 14 years ago and I suspect it was brought on by noise abuse.  We owned a boarding kennel for 20 years so you can imagine being in a building  and being subjected to the noise which a number of dogs can make.  "Deafening"!!!!!!!!!


Thank you so much.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Hello Marion,

(Un)fortunately, the main cause of your deafness is not known - if you have Meniere disease your condition is defined by vertigo which is component of that condition.

It is possible that because of your Meniere you are prone to vertiginous episodes like it is happening to you now.

Good news is that there is a solution - either your central compensation (brain naturally) either there are procedures which can be done to resolve your vertigos.

For now, just try to focus on the velocity of your moves.

Please, read a little bit: http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1159069-overview

It is not important to understand all but it will help. If you have more questions - we're all here.

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  • 2 months later...

Thank you Adam.  I did not realise that most people were Medel recipients obvious I did not connect that this was a Medel website!!!  Regardless I am glad to have found this website it is helpful in other ways.   The Cochlear website is not very active although I find that website extremely useful for rehabilitation which I use daily.



Marion, what type of rehab is available on the Cochlear site?  Most of the rehab stuff on the Med-El site is for kids not adults.



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  • HearPeers Heroes


Have you tried iAngel Sounds and ABClix? They are both geared toward adults.

Telephone With Confidence has daily recorded speeches to listen to via the phone to practice hearing on a phone.

Mary Beth

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Marion, what type of rehab is available on the Cochlear site?  Most of the rehab stuff on the Med-El site is for kids not adults.






please read the topic Rehab program? Erik Haugsby put some pretty useful stuff.

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