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Post-Op update!


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Hi, thank you all for your comments.

Yes Adam, I understand your custard analogy and it makes sense - I certainly don't want a scrambled brain!

Fredrik, I may ask for a stronger magnet, but I'm finding that my implant area is a little sore after wearing the processor for a while, so I think it may be more sore if I have a stronger magnet? Apparently I only have very thin skin on my head.

Hi Kelly, I'm glad you felt the benefit of being 'turned down' and I guess that means there is always the option of going louder.

Well I think that after 5 days of experiencing my new hearing I'm starting to appreciate it more. I only have to take the processor off to feel really deaf on one side again. I wear it most of the day but actually look forward to taking it off for bed as my implant area is slightly sore by then. I guess I just have to get used to how far the implant sticks out - I can feel the complete outline of it, screws and all - which was a surprise after thinking it would be buried inside my head - I just hope that I will be able to wear glasses somehow in the future!


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Hi Janine, I am a BB recipient implanted April 25 and was activated on May 10th. I'm glad they started you off at a softer sound level. Mine was set louder than it should have been and made me wonder why I did this ... Like I needed yet another hole in the head ... Ha ha . Anyway I've been back last Tues and had things adjusted and what a wonderful difference! There will still be some adjustments needed along the way I gather but now I'm actually enjoying my new sense. As for the batteries, the ones that came with mine have lasted a 6-7 days so far, but then it's only been 13 days ... I'll be checking out different brands soon. Have a great day!


Hi Kelly, can you please explain what bothered you because your device was set louder - did sound'voices was/were distorted or just generally to loud?

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Hi Ivana,

Yes, the louder it was the more distorted things were and still are a bit but not as bad. I had it rejusted last Tues, but will return again in 2 weeks to have it tweaked again. It was loud and distorted. The loudness allowed me to hear things clearly from a distance that I believe others couldn't hear well, but the closer to the sound I was the more distorted it became. (All very stressful and draining to listen too.) The best I can describe it is, as if someone was talking through plastic wrap against their lips. It has improved greatly since turning down the high tones (as I had mentioned in an earlier post, I have no real trouble with) and turning the lower tones to a level that is loud enough but doesn't distort. On the next visit we will explore the exact frequencies that need to be lifted or lowered to remove the distortion and bring the whole to a normal level. I still marvel at things I can hear now and am looking forward to more.

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Hi Ivana, Yes, the louder it was the more distorted things were and still are a bit but not as bad. I had it rejusted last Tues, but will return again in 2 weeks to have it tweaked again. It was loud and distorted. The loudness allowed me to hear things clearly from a distance that I believe others couldn't hear well, but the closer to the sound I was the more distorted it became. (All very stressful and draining to listen too.) The best I can describe it is, as if someone was talking through plastic wrap against their lips. It has improved greatly since turning down the high tones (as I had mentioned in an earlier post, I have no real trouble with) and turning the lower tones to a level that is loud enough but doesn't distort. On the next visit we will explore the exact frequencies that need to be lifted or lowered to remove the distortion and bring the whole to a normal level. I still marvel at things I can hear now and am looking forward to more.


Nice explained - keep us posted. I was told that I will need 1 tuning and 2 highly unlikely. Now I can see this is not a case like that.



Sorry, I can not find what is the nature of your deafness?

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I'm so sad today, the surgeon don't want to implant me the Bonebridge, he said it will be impossible after to have IRM exams, but he want to make a BAHA. I'm not sure it is a good decision, because I think the Bonebridge is better for hearing. I'll try to have another advice for this.

I fear the reason is money, because the Bonebridge is not validated by health organisation in France.


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Hi Aurelie!


How about VSB, vibrante soundbridge? Same reciver, Amade´, with weaker amplifier built in, same softwere. More advanced surgery.

Well, BAHA is better than nothing, be sure you will have Oticon as supplier. Not Cochlear.



Otherwise you can wait for the BB to be validated, by health organisation .


My Best tu you


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I'm sure you are dissapointed by this news but try to not to get too down yet. there are some options for you. possibly not exactly what you want but remember the ultimate goal is to be able to hear. It is probably not a bad idea to get a second opinion. These happen all the time and the doctor will not get mad. please keep us updated.


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I'm so sad today, the surgeon don't want to implant me the Bonebridge, he said it will be impossible after to have IRM exams, but he want to make a BAHA. I'm not sure it is a good decision, because I think the Bonebridge is better for hearing. I'll try to have another advice for this.

I fear the reason is money, because the Bonebridge is not validated by health organisation in France.



Hi Aurelie,


it is not still clear whether BB is acoustically better or not. BAHA has some advantages - major disadvantage is percutaneous access. From my experience, people who wear BAHA is not psychologically overwhelmed by sticked implant like patient possibly is at first.

You said that for you BAHA is acoustically much better experience - try with it.


On the other hand, try to find some organization or better doctor who work more intensive with MED-EL - possibly there are some other ways of getting the device.


Who pay for BAHA in France? Your health insurance cover it? The expense is not much more - we were told that roughly BB costs twice of the expense of BAHA. Is possibly VSB covered? Although the expense is nearly same (BB vrs. VSB), VSB is better known product.


I am confirming - Oticon is better looking model.

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Hello Ivana,

The first surgeon I've seen go away from the hospital, so I've not seen the same surgeon. It's the hospital who pay for the bonebridge (for trying it), it's not recongnized in France, but the BAHA is recognized by health organisation, so I think it is easier to have a BAHA.

I've already try the BAHA with the headband, so I know what I'll ear with it or with Bonebridge.

I found the first surgeon, I'll see in few days...


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