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Operation tomorrow ๐Ÿ˜Š


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I've been SSD for over a year now,ย  but finally all the checkups and hospital visits have brought me to my op day tomorrow.ย  Because I have a small accoustic neuroma,ย  situated right up against my cochlear, dr. is leaving it in - no need to remove, it seems to have stopped growing.ย  He'll use a piece of Med-El tech to see if it is worth going ahead with the CI once he is in my head!ย  If not I'll get a Med-El bonebridge implant.


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Best of luck tomorrow.ย  Looking forward to hearing what happens.ย  We'll be around for you in the forum no matter what.


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  • HearPeers Heroes


Exciting! ย Wishing you the best and staying tuned!

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Good luck and get a good night sleep

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So it is 48 hours since my Op, they tried with a CI but the accoustic neuroma tumour had grown into the cochlear.ย  He removed some tumour but ultimately the probe showed no signal getting through, he said the cochlear/nerve was too damaged.ย  So plan B Bonebridge went ahead successfully.ย  ย Terrible vertigo and nausea for the next 24 hours, getting better now but still very dizzy.ย  To be expected as he had "attacked" the tumour ๐Ÿคฃ ... External processor gets done on 18.7.ย  I hope it helps my hearing generally,ย  sad I won't have input on my deaf side, but when I did the headband trial with the cochlear baha it worked fine.Let's hope the med-el samba is as good or better!


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  • HearPeers Heroes

Thanks for the update @Kathryn. ย I hope your recovery goes well and your BoneBridge experience is very positive.

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Thanks Mary Beth.ย  Compression bandage doesn't come off till Sunday, though changed daily, sometimes twice as it moves/slides up off the ear!ย  Driving me crazy!ย  Apparently my ear is also packed into the ear drum (because of the tumour work done) and that comes out 3 weeks to the day of the op.ย  Still wobbly but walked around hospital lots today, sometimes without walker and not too drunk looking hopefully ๐Ÿ˜…

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Rest easy @Kathryn

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