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Roller coasters

Mike F

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I am wondering if any one rides roller coasters with an implant (obviously taking off the processor) I have enjoyed coasters all my life but I am now worried that the motion could affect my equilibrium or worse, affect the implant. It seems such a part of summer, I would hate to think that is something only in the past.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

@Mike F

Rollercoasters bring back great summer memories for me.  I remember when my father brought me to Coney Island to ride the Cyclone.  I chickened out after seeing it.  Then after my cousin braved it, I changed my mind and my dad took me on it.  We purchased the photo as proof that I rode it.  😊 


Now rollercoasters have evolved into looping, corkscrew, pauses with safety features that pin you in one position.


I know CI users who still enjoy rollercoasters.  There may be some restrictions based on the actual coaster and especially rides that involve strong magnets.

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I rode the Cyclone many years ago, the wooden coasters are a lot of fun and knock you for a loop! The new steel roller coasters, like in six flags apply serious force to your body, which is why I'm wondering if it"s safe for CI's. Also, good point about the magnets, King Ka uses a monster electro magnet that propels you as if you were shot out of a cannon. Harmless enough to the average human


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  • HearPeers Heroes

@Mike F

I agree.  Crazy force to the riders’ bodies on some of these new coasters.

I am so very thankful for the return of hearing from my CIs that there are some activities which are permitted that I choose no longer to do.  For me some of the permitted activities are just not worth the risk.

But this is a very personal decision for each of us.

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Lol, i grew up riding the old wooden roller coaster at santa cruz boardwalk in california. When i was small, the ride scared me so fun! 

Now i can see the aging details, not so sure any more. Last time i went was 2018 and the line was too long, whew!

I am too chicken now for those modern things so i cant comment except nope!!!


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