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Dear colleagues,

We should share our experience about latest CI frome medel which one better and why?

Sonnet, Opus and Rondo, which one you're using and which one better in hearing.

Today I so Sonnet in CI international day and it was so much better from different side than Rondo and Opus 2

I'm using both Rondo and Opus 2

Rondo when you're using telecoil it's much quite than Opus 2 which you can hear more noise when you set near to electricity field.

I spend money to purchase roger pen and roger x it's expensive for nothing I advice to purchase Quattro 4.0 from clearsounds cheaper and give you good results in hearing either when you talking on mobile or watching TV

So I wish hear from you

Best regards,


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  • HearPeers Heroes

Hi Hameed,

I use Sonnet, Opus2 and Rondo. They are all great.

The Sonnet has water resistance, which is very helpful and has a more natural sound for me than the Opus2 and Rondo.

The Rondo is awesome in the waterwear in the pool and in the summer when sweating.

The Opus2 was my first processor and will forever hold a special place in my heart for the gift of hearing it brought.

The Rondo is quieter with a telecoil neckloop because it sits further away from the telecoil around my neck. So I increase the volume on the device. The Rondo's telecoil is strongest at the 6:00 position, so hold your phone there if using your phone on T or MT.

The Quattro4 neckloop is great. I do not use any FM. I look forward to the wireless connectivity for the Sonnet.

Mary Beth

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I basically have stayed with my Opus 2.  I am having some problems with the Sonnet.  We are in the process of trying to determine if the processor may be bad.


As for the Quattro 4, I can't stand it.  To difficult to use, and if like me you use your cell phone a lot, it turns itself off after a bit.  For cell phone i am using  the "Quattro Amplified Neckloop" also made by ClearSounds.  Much easier to use and it stays on until you turn if off.  But it is only for answering the cell.  For those the use the Quattro 4 for other things, like music or the mic then stay with it.  As I said the one i use is for cell only.


As said before in an earlier post, I also am waiting for wireless, it will be sooo much easier.



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  • HearPeers Heroes


Can you discuss what problems you are having with the SONNET?


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Yes the problem that I am having is the sound is fading in and out.  As an example, I hear the traffic on the street, but if I slightly turn my head I hear nothing.  Med-El wants me to change microphone cover.  Although the cover is new I have done that.  They also want me to have my audiologist check the programing.  I will have that done at my next appointment.


If still not better they told me they would change the unit at no charge.



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  • HearPeers Heroes


If you have data logging on, the audiologist can see from the log file if the processor is actually shutting down or doing something when you turn your head.

Did you try changing the D-coil cable?

Does it happen with all four of your programs?

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I will change to coil cable also.  Yes it does it on all programs.  I know that it will get resolved at some point.  That is why I am lucky to have to Opus2 also.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

I had the same issue with the sonnet when trying to listen to music in the car. The sound would go way down when driving then come back up when I was stopped at a traffic light. This lasted for a little while but has since resolved itself.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

I started with the opus 2. Upgraded to the Sonnet.

The sound quality is supposed to be the same ( if you have 1 mic in the U.S.) but I seem to detect better hearing.

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