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Bonebridge Candidate!


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Due to previous mastoidectomies my surgeon was concerned about bone density and placement options for a bonebridge. If it was not possible then I would have had to go with another option. I was really hoping to be eligible for the bonebridge. I went for a CT Scan and sent the results to my surgeon. he was going to look at them and then send them in to MedEl for evaluation. I got the news back today that I am good to go for a Bonebridge!

I am looking forward to the implant, I have a surgery date of May 12th.

Just curious if anyone has any tips or other info they'd like to share....




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  • HearPeers Heroes

Wow that's amazing news!! Congrats Colin our best buddy Ivana will tel you all about them.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Hi Colin, that's fantastic. As Kara said, Ivana is the one who can give you info on the bonebridge. She will sign in soon and be able to answer your questions.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Hello Colin,


As Kara and Sandy already wrote you, I am a Bonebridge recipient almost 3 years now - for me it was the most incredible journey I have ever had.

I do not really know where to start so - please ask whatever you`re interested for. 


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I was really just wondering about anything maybe people discovered that their Surgeon had not mentioned etc.

Also I saw on the Med-El website that the Samba has a few different colour options, how many different covers come with the unit?

I have my Pre-Op with my doctor in 10 days, so if I think of anything before then I will let you all know.


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  • HearPeers Heroes

I was really just wondering about anything maybe people discovered that their Surgeon had not mentioned etc.

Also I saw on the Med-El website that the Samba has a few different colour options, how many different covers come with the unit?

I have my Pre-Op with my doctor in 10 days, so if I think of anything before then I will let you all know.



Hi Colin,


I am not sure if I can get you 100% accurate answer because I am not from UK so perhaps a MED-EL representative (which I am not) could be a lot more helpful to you in this matter.


But - you can tell us more about your hearing-loss history, if I can call it like that - did you have mastoidectomies bilaterally or unilaterally?

How come that you`re not a candidate for the SOUNDBRIDGE? Few questions as food-thoughts...;) 

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Hi Colin

Welcome to hearpeers and congratulations on your approval of bonebridge. This is a great group of people. Looking forward to getting to know you

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Ivana, I looked into the SoundBridge as I had not heard of that one before. My understanding of that one is it transmits sounds to the Middle Ear? Is that correct? If that is the difference, then I do not think it would work for me. I have had numerous cholesteatomas which caused middle ear problems. For the latest one, the solution was to perform an open canal procedure and remove all the parts of the middle ear.

Hi Colin,


I am not sure if I can get you 100% accurate answer because I am not from UK so perhaps a MED-EL representative (which I am not) could be a lot more helpful to you in this matter.


But - you can tell us more about your hearing-loss history, if I can call it like that - did you have mastoidectomies bilaterally or unilaterally?

How come that you`re not a candidate for the SOUNDBRIDGE? Few questions as food-thoughts... ;)

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Ivana, I looked into the SoundBridge as I had not heard of that one before. My understanding of that one is it transmits sounds to the Middle Ear? Is that correct? If that is the difference, then I do not think it would work for me. I have had numerous cholesteatomas which caused middle ear problems. For the latest one, the solution was to perform an open canal procedure and remove all the parts of the middle ear.


Hi Colin...


Huh...Where to start...? :)


Ok, this is my section of particular professional interest - so, the Bonebridge is developed out of Soundbridge implant for people who do not have outer ear and have malformed middle ear. Difference between these implants is the locatio of the implantation and little bit more intensity which is possible to get with Soundbridge implant. Originally, Soundbridge is implanted on the middle ear ossicular chain, but recently new method was developed - implanting of the active unit directly on the round window which you do have. On the other side, the Bonebridge implantation is easier procedure to perform and lot more complicated for implanting to the group of people with aformentioned malformations.

On the other side, if you had a radical mastoidectomy I do understand why only Bonebridge was an option unless there was a modification and you do have a certain modified shape of eardrum which covers the round window.

The advantage of Soundbridge is more direct amplification which does not dissipate through the skull BUT both implants are great inventions - do you plan bilateral implantation? :huh:  :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • HearPeers Heroes

Good luck to Colin tomorrow having his bonebridge surgery. Hoping everything goes well and we look forward to hearing from you.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Best of luck Colin!

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Thanks everyone! I did get my Bonebridge put in on Thursday. I am home now and recovering nicely. The procedure was a little longer than expected. Placement of the implant was difficult due to the previous surgeries. There were 2 Medel reps on site as well, which I though was pretty cool. The thickness of my skull was always a concern due to the previous surgeries. They were able to install the BC-FMT to a depth of 8mm, which is pretty good I think. The skull thickness was only 8mm, so the transducer is apparently sitting all the way in with it bottoming out on the Dura Mater layer of my skull. This was a little concerning to me, but apparently not that big of deal to my surgeon or the Medel reps, anyone have any thoughts or experience on this?

I am now eagerly awaiting to heal up and get the unit "turned on" and test it out! because I live out of town and the way it looks for my schedule, it will probably be about 10 weeks or so until that happens. It has been so long since I could hear well out of this side, I don't think another 10 weeks is too much of a wait.


Thanks again to everyone who took some time to write to me, I really appreciate it!

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Hello Colin,


Glad that you're all right after the procedure.:)

Although it lasted little bit longer you don't need to be worried. Implanting the internal part of the BB can be challenging because a device is still little bit big taking into the concern the fact of the ear ant temporal bone anatomy. But - more important fact than this is that it really works beautifully. 


Regarding your concerns - 8 mm is more than enough and you won't have any problem because it lies on the dura mater. Mine BC-FMT lies even more shallow because of congenitally altered anatomy: low dura, high sinus and shallow temporal bone. At the top of everything my skull from behind (the occipital part) closes in extremely challenging way so I was put a plate for trauma fractures so the FMT could be stabilized above the fact that when I was operated BCI lifts was not available so whole list of adaptations was needed just to stabilize the FMT. And it works really REALLY good! ;)

So don't worry and please - relax yourself up to the moment you get your device. 


I was given my audio processor after 4 weeks so I guess yours 10 weeks will be more than enough. It is more than enough. It's different than BAHA where you need more time for the osseointegration of the abutment. The main concern is the oedema of the temporal flap because it determines how good the audio processor will stay on head and which size of the magnet you'll need.


Beside everything else, remember that you will need an adaptation time - during this time you'll experience the shift of what and how good you hear. Just - be patient. And - never give up! ;)

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  • HearPeers Heroes

That's great Collin. Rest up. And let us know how things go. We also eagerly await hearing about your activation!!!

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Good news Colin. Please keep us updated informed.

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Hey Colin, did you test out a trial on a headband before getting surgery? Just curious, hope all goes well for you.

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I did do a trial just in the audiologist's office ahead of time.

It was a rainy and windy winter day.

My bad ear was towards the window which was cracked open slightly.

Once it was turned on my wife said she could tell right away by the change in my face.

She said "You can hear what is going on outside, right?"

It was pretty cool I could hear the wind blowing and the cars etc.

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Activation Date is set.

Unfortunately due to my schedule I have to wait a little longer than normal.

Friday July 22nd at 11am.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Sounds great Collin!! Good luck and rest up!! It's a wild ride!!

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Activation Date is set.

Unfortunately due to my schedule I have to wait a little longer than normal.

Friday July 22nd at 11am.


Ugh... this is more than 2 months... :(


But - at least, it will be worthwhile...;) 

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I had a follow up appointment with my Surgeon this past Friday. While I was there he was able to show my a video of my surgery that he got from the Medel Team. They took video of the surgery and then edited it. They put in little descriptions saying what was going on in the video. it was pretty cool to watch.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

You did not loose your consciousness?  :P   Or at least - feel unwell  :)  - Excellent! You just need to ask it to watch it at home as a home-video... to  :ph34r: your friends... ;)

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Actually i do have a copy of it, I watched it on my big tv today!

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  • HearPeers Heroes

That is really cool!

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Me too...  :P  :P

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