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Sonnet 2 and Electrode Arrays


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I have been cleared as a candidate for a cochlear implant. I was told that I will be getting a short electrode array. From my research, I don't believe this will be optimal for me. I am 70 years old and have a systemic autoimmune disorder. The possibility of age-related hearing loss is staring me in the face. I have had SNHL since I was 7 years old. That was 1959. There was nothing they could do for me at the time except speech therapy.

Fast forward to age 31 when I received a physical exam for progression to upper division courses in a BSN program. I was promptly sent to be evaluated for hearing aids and began to wear them. With a few large gaps aside, I have worn hearing aids ever since then.  

Now I am facing a choice that will hopefully help me to get back out in the world and socialize like a normal human being. I also want to hear birds and music again. I really need input regarding the electrode arrays used with the Sonnet 2. 

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Edited by BethTN
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  • HearPeers Heroes


Welcome to HearPeers.  I actually chose Med-El due to their electrode array options.  My right ear has a medium electrode array (24mm) and my left ear has a flex 28 electrode array (28mm).  Both ears are terrific CI ears.

The longer electrode arrays extend deeper into the cochlea where the bass tones (low tones are typically processed.  But it is important to match each individual cochlea to the best array.  Discuss with your surgeon to find out why he or she is choosing a specific array.

Here is a link about Med-El electrode arrays.


and here is a link to a captioned video where I talk about Med-El’s electrode arrays

Wishing you the best!

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Hello beth!

I wondered the same thing when told i was receiving a flex 24. But i do know that i am hearing sounds from 10 of 12 arrays, one is not needed and one is slightly outside of the cochlea, so its plenty long enough! 

I have a sonnet2eas, and love it!

I just added a hearing aid to the other side, and for comparison, i like the ci sound much better. Its been one year and music sounds pretty good too.

Ask questions away!


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I'm going to speak with a Med El representative for my area on Monday. Any suggestions as to what I should ask her?

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I find the Med-El reps easy to converse with and very knowledgeable.  Ask any questions you have.  You also can ask to be put in touch with a Med-El mentor in your region.  

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