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My Baby has been implanted SYNCHRONY Implant last year. Every thing is going well. Last week I have read the leaflet that I found inside the sonnet box. There mentioned that If the implant is SYNCHRONY then the magnet should be attach of triangle shape and if the implant is other then SNCHRONY then magnet should be attache round shape. When I checked my baby SONNET magnet I surprised it was round shape. I am now confused that my baby implanted SYNCHRONY then why the SONNET magnet is round instead of triangle. Any one can guide me about this situation what should I do??. Secondly how can I check that my baby implant is really SYNCHRONY ?????. Regards Luqman butt.. luqman055@gmail.com

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  • HearPeers Heroes

First don't fret. If it's working that's a good thing. You would have received a recipient card. Check that first. Then if it's so call the audiologist and find out what the next best step is. It could just be a miracle. So don't fix it if it ain't broke.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Definitely contact your audiologist.

Internal Synchrony uses triangle marked magnets

Internal Concert uses round marked magnets

However both magnets are actually shaped like circles. They are just coded by circle markings or triangle markings.

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Yes the implant working good. i have called to the audiologist and discuss about that but he cannot satisfied me so I will visit the audiologist with hearing device  on Friday and discuss that matter. Can you guide me that how can I find that the Implant is SYNCHRONY pls?? I have paid about 30000 USD for it to the audiologist

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Synchrony, since it is the internal part, is not something we can check without talking with our audiologists or surgeons. In the Sonnet coil, if you remove the magnet you will see either circles or triangles on the thin side of the magnet. Circles mark the strength of magnet for internal concert implants. Triangles mark the strength of magnet for internal synchrony implants. You should ask for the serial number of the internal device, Then you can check directly with Med-El if you are concerned.

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Miss Mary Beth I have checked the sonnet coil already following your instructions. My baby sonnet coil magnet with round mark is attached and confirmed it. I have the warranty of SYNCHRONY for 10 years from medel representative. Its serial no is 707122. Kindly guide me how can I checked it from medel directly. I will be grateful. Thanks for providing pdf detail file. It is very informative.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

This is perplexing. If the internal is a Synchrony, then the coil magnet should be marked with triangles. I actually have one internal concert and one internal synchrony. I just checked what would happen if I placed the circle marked magnet over the synchrony side. It attaches but loosely. You may just have the incorrect magnets.

Erik is our Med-El moderator. I sent him a message asking him to read this topic.

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Miss Mary Beth I have checked the sonnet coil already following your instructions. My baby sonnet coil magnet with round mark is attached and confirmed it. I have the warranty of SYNCHRONY for 10 years from medel representative. Its serial no is 707122. Kindly guide me how can I checked it from medel directly. I will be grateful. Thanks for providing pdf detail file. It is very informative.



This is perplexing. If the internal is a Synchrony, then the coil magnet should be marked with triangles. I actually have one internal concert and one internal synchrony. I just checked what would happen if I placed the circle marked magnet over the synchrony side. It attaches but loosely. You may just have the incorrect magnets.

Erik is our Med-El moderator. I sent him a message asking him to read this topic.


Hi Luqman, as Mary said I help moderate this forum. I'll send you a PM with some information about who you can talk with at MED-EL.

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Sir Erick, Thank you for contacting with me. I will soon met to that person that you told me and discuss with him. He is also my baby's audiologist. As i met him I will contact with you. Also thanks for Mary berth for considering  my concern

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Any time and best of luck on your child's hearing journey!

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Glad we could be of help. We're a friendly bunch. Even the moderators.

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