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coil magnet strengths


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Four magnet strengths available: soft, standard, strong, and super strong


dear all,


does it mean super strong magnet strength is the best??


what is the difference?


is it the premium?

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Your audiologist will help determine which magnet strength is best for you.  It's best to use the weakest magnet strength needed to keep the coil or Rondo in place in order to protect your skin from irritation.  The DL-coil has 9 magnet settings since magnets 1-4 each have a + and - option and magnet strength 5 has only one setting.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

You should choose a magnet strength wisely because of potential impact on the flap which covers the internal parts of the implant which could potentially lead even up to the flap necrosis. Not all people have same thickness of the flap - it's not that easy as it seams. Also, the thickness of the flap changes during the recovery of the surgery.

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  • 1 month later...
  • HearPeers Heroes

Ivana is of course dead on the money. If there is too much pressure on the skin flap it can cut off blood supply (necrosis) to the skin flap ( part of skin covering implant). This obviously is not good and one of the reasons they suggest waiting a few weeks for swelling to go down to gauge proper magnet strength. 

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  • 10 months later...
  • HearPeers Heroes

On MED EL Technical data website, you can read that Sonnet strengths can be adjust in  finetuner. Can anyone say me how? It is for an user I know.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Sonnet magnet strengths are in the D-coil or DL-coil.  The only way to adjust the Sonnet magnet strengths, is to change the magnet strength in the coil.  


The Fine Tuner can do these things to the Sonnet (if our audiologist enabled the features):

-adjust volume

-adjust sensitivity

-move between programs 1-4

-move between M, MT and T


for left side only, right side only or bilaterally.


It can also lock its keys and unlock them.


It can also return a program back to default volume and sensitivity (set by our audiologists).


It can sync with our processors so it can communicate with them when we push the buttons.


I think that is all our Fine Tuner can do.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

It is Interesting that you can adjust using finetunner. I was surprised when read it. You can to have a look at  http://www.medel.com/sonnet. Go to "Stay connected" section.

I can not see a special key to do it.


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  • HearPeers Heroes

I see what you are referring to.  It says


"Adjustable magnet strengths make it easy to fine-tune for optimal wearing comfort"


Possibly a confusing choice of wording "fine tune" since the remote is called the Fine Tuner.  But this means that the adjustable magnet strengths make it easy to make slight changes to magnet strengths for optimal wearing comfort.  It is referring to the DL-coil having 9 magnet strength options.










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  • HearPeers Heroes

You have right. It is confused.

Thank you May Beth.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

You are welcome Valentin.  It's easy to see how the wording could confuse people.

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