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Dave in Pittsburgh

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I will have my surgery on Oct 27 for my CI . I will be getting both the Rondo and the Sonnet. Going to have just the left ear done but I've been told that I will most likely have the other ear done with in a year.

What can I expect ? I work in retail sales part time and I got a month off is this a enough time


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  • HearPeers Heroes

Hi and welcome,

if you read through the various topics on here you will learn about some of our stories.  My right side was implanted in February 2015 and my left side was implanted in October 2015.  I am a teacher and returned to work both times after one week.  Best of luck to you!

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  • HearPeers Heroes

It depends - what do you expect to achieve in this period of one month?

Welcome to the Hearpeers - relearning of hearing and decoding of the inputs to your brain is highly variable process. It greatly depends on you...

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  • HearPeers Heroes

I took a week off from work. As far as the hearing end of it, it isn't all going to come at once for you. More like baby steps. Your brain is relearning how to hear. Each brain adapts at its own speed. It would be difficult to try and put a timeframe on it.

what I did was do as much education for my coworkers as to what to expect. Some actually thought that I would have the surgery on Thursday and I would show up Monday hearing perfectly. I had to explain that it won't even be turned on for 3 to 4 weeks. My first one they waited 6.

as far as the surgery, most people tend to get their legs back under them after about 4 or 5 days

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  • HearPeers Heroes

I took a week off from work. As far as the hearing end of it, it isn't all going to come at once for you. More like baby steps. Your brain is relearning how to hear. Each brain adapts at its own speed. It would be difficult to try and put a timeframe on it.

what I did was do as much education for my coworkers as to what to expect. Some actually thought that I would have the surgery on Thursday and I would show up Monday hearing perfectly. I had to explain that it won't even be turned on for 3 to 4 weeks. My first one they waited 6.

as far as the surgery, most people tend to get their legs back under them after about 4 or 5 days

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