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Sonnet rechargeable batteries: Can't get them to work


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Hey folks,

I got my rechargeable battery package a few days and sadly have not been able to get them to work. I read and followed all the directions, but when I hook everything up, I get nothing. I was wondering if anyone else has had a similar problem.

My only clue as to what's wrong is that the blue indicator lights on the charging dock didn't turn on when I plugged the batteries in, which makes me think its not charging them properly. The white indicator light on the charging does turn on, so I know it's getting power.

I'd love to hear about other people's experience. I was pretty excited for the rechargeables because I hate throwing out buckets of batteries.



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  • HearPeers Heroes

Is there any chance that you are placing the rechargeable batteries into the charger incorrectly?  Some people mentioned having to figure out the way they go in the charger.  My kits have not arrived yet so I'm just passing on what others have said.

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Thanks, Mary Beth. I'm pretty sure I'm inserting them correctly, but you never know. Have there been other posts about people having trouble with the Sonnet rechargeables? I searched but couldn't find any. 

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Hi Neal,

In the Facebook group called Med El Cochlear Implant Discussion Group (which is a closed group so just search and ask to join) members have been receiving their kits and posting pictures and comments.  No one has posted about a kit that would not charge but one member commented that she had to read carefully about the correct way to insert the rechargeable batteries in the charger.  


If if you have followed the directions and the blue lights do not come on, you may want to send your CSR an email about that.  Med-El has great customer service and they will help you out.  Good luck!

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I had the same issue in which the blue lights would not come on in the charger.  My problem was that I had not fully inserted the battery in the charger completely, the batteries should be perpendicular to the charger, there should be no angle between the batteries and the charger.

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Hey Prileahar - That's exactly what I was doing wrong. I was handling it too gently and just needed to apply a little more pressure to get it to snap into place. Once I did, the blue lights turned on and the batteries charged right up. Thanks for the advice! - Neal

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  • 3 months later...
  • HearPeers Heroes


how are things going now with the rechargeable batteries? How much battery life are you getting? Any tips for those that haven't received theirs yet?

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