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Quality "plastic" on Rondo and years?

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Hi there. I'm not refering here to Water cover protection. I refer Rondo by default cover.


You know Rondo wear on head. Head is expoused to sun easily. altough I know you must no put any device to directly sun exposure, It is more easy to be exposed to the sun, not so intense but if on a daily basis. You as Rondo user: Have you detected any deterioration in over time? I have my hair short.

I do not pretend that with time the processor or the processor cover show as first day, but I am concerned about change it six months. This is not a sunglass. BTE processors are something protected, like this.



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  • HearPeers Heroes

Very helpfull Mary. Thank You very much. I have a "a problem of mental block" :rolleyes: about what processor cvoose between Opus 2 or Rondo.

I need be clear, because tomorrow I must say about it.


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