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New batteries not detected?


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Hey again,

I return with a small question. Sometimes, right after I change batteries into a new set I can still hear processor beeping like nothing have changed for it. I have to open battery module and close it again to start working normally. The first weird symptom that something is wrong, is when I don't see green diode blinking after I change batteries. Nothing blinks even when I hear beeping in my ear. Or sometimes I see a green diode blinking at the start but then it changes into a red colour (when I already wear processor). So generally I always have to open again my battery module after I change batteries because otherwise, the processor won't work properly. I have been using Siemens batteries for a couple of months, but I don't think it's batteries fault because I have also used sets from other companies with the same result. Anyway, I am going to "tuning session" in December so I will surely ask about that, but just wanted to know if you have maybe experienced something similar.

Old batteries beeping (red light) >> you change them into new one >> diode is blinking green / not blinking >> you close the battery module and wear processor >> again you hear processor beeping >> open and close again and everything works as it should.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Yes, many people have commented on this issue with the Sonnet processors.  For me, I switched to a different brand implant battery and the problem was fixed and has stayed fixed for 5 months so far.  Other people had Med-El replace the battery cover and some other people had Med-El replace the battery pack.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

I have had this issue. I found actually I needed a new battery cover and frame. The cover has three little grooves in it and the were worn away. I had the battery cover switched out too. No problems for me now. 

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Thanks. Yes, I think I can see that maybe one of these grooves is worn so that's maybe this.

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Hi Zpawelz, thanks for reaching out to our HearPeers community. This is not something that should be normally happening with your processor and so I recommend getting in contact with your local MED-EL Representative for assistance with this. I will be sending you their details in a private message. Kind regards, Leigh

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