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Dave in Pittsburgh

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I will be getting my CI on Monday is there anything that you have to carry with you 

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Are you referring to the CI patient identification card ?

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No  like extra parts,bits and pices like batteries and so on I really don't know 

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Hi Cintipgh, I am not sure how to answer you question. If "I will be getting my CI on Monday" meaning having a  surgery, then good luck and take you identification and insurance cards, put comfortable clothes and shoes, and have somebody at you side who brings you home after surgery and stay with you for a while. If you meant an activation, then it is better to bring all stuff you got from MedEl.


Any way, wish you all the best on Monday!

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Oh, now I see from you anther posts that Monday is your activation day. Both time I was instructed to bring all boxes I got from MedEl. Some parts from the kit will be used to make your processor ready for use. Everything else is good to have as your audiologist can go through it to explain you when and how to use it. Please, keep us updated how your activation works for you.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Hi Dave - you should be getting all your equipment tomorrow from your audiologist, at least I did. I will say though, be sure to bring an open mind and a willingness to work hard ? Activation is like a present waiting to be opened- no one really know what they are getting! So exciting! Good luck tomorrow and let us know how you do ?

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Thanks for the encouragement my problem is that I am short on patience but very cautiously optimistic as I have no hearing in the ear that the implant went and the other ear the hearing have been getting worse but I still remain very optimistic and positive

This will be like getting a Xmas present 


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  • HearPeers Heroes

I had minimal hearing in my implant ear with a constant ringing before activation. Now I am finally understanding words like never before and finally enjoy some peace from the ringing. I hadn't heard anything significant (or understood anything) since I was 9 years old (and I am 30) so it had been 21 years. You can absolutely do it, just gotta believe!!! I view my new ear as a birthday present as my birthday is on Thursday aka Thanksgiving ???? stay positive and optimistic! Don't let anything or anyone dim your shine ?

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  • HearPeers Heroes

I didn't carry nothing special. Perhaps a "big bag" for carry The Big Red Box".


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  • HearPeers Heroes
On 20/11/2016 at 11:09 PM, Cintipgh said:

Thanks for the encouragement my problem is that I am short on patience but very cautiously optimistic as I have no hearing in the ear that the implant went and the other ear the hearing have been getting worse but I still remain very optimistic and positive

This will be like getting a Xmas present 


Huh, patience is one of the essential attitude to work on restituting your hearing - this is not just a switch on accident than a process....;) 

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