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Hello from a Very Sunny Spain


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Hi Everyone, I'm a Rondo user and was implanted in November '14 in the Hospital La Paz in Madrid. I'm here to gather info on using my Iphone with my Rondo and of course to provide whatever support I can give to others.   I've been putting this off for over a year mainly I guess because while I was working (I'm retired now) I used the phone a lot (tech support etc.) and after the implant I felt that it was a challenge that I was not ready for..  I think it was mainly a psychological issue as I did so well in my rehab  I didn't want to be disappointed by the phone issue as its the most difficult part of returning to hearing everything again.

PS I'm in Madrid not down south where the weather is awful at the moment     

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Lol! Welcome to the group! Check our section on aural rehab and there is information on telephone training. A number of us have used different programs so it's hard to say which one is best. 

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Using the Rondo with the phone options:


1). Rondo on MT or T and phone positioned at 6:00 with Rondo mic at 12:00


2) Rondo on M and phone positioned over Rondo mic


3) Bluetooth neckloop and Rondo on MT or T.  Doesn't matter where the phone is as long as it is synced to the neckloop.

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So wonderful to here from another person that does daily business by phone! I also have a Rondo on my head installed on February of 2016 and activated March 27th of this year. I have not been able to hear TV or cell calls for many years but at this time if I am not on my Caption phone or in my GMC truck with Bluetooth hearing not much has changed. Of course I was 95% deaft before this implant surgery in my right ear and still wearing a Starkey aid in my left. I shyed away from all business and my 5 million dollar company back in 2011 for the simple reason of can't hear and can't abuse 60 plus employees for my own problem. At this date I am doing much better and working about 26 hours a week just earning everyone's respect back and saying I can again become the leader I was 25 year's ago. Love you all and it can only get Better.

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  • 1 month later...
  • HearPeers Heroes


i just wanted to give a quick hello and welcome to the community. I personally don't have Rondos so I cannot address that question for you. I have 2 Sonnets. I hope that you are getting the hang of it as it has been a little while. Please check in and let us know how you are doing. 


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