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Hello everyone.  Surgery was December 27 and was just activated today so I'm a super-new user. I was eager to get started with this process after struggling for the last few years. Looking through the suggested rehab sites, I'm baffled where to begin.  "Here" seems like a good place to start. Grateful for this site and any guidance I can get. Thanks to all.

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Welcome Theo!  It might be your first post but you are already ahead of me - my activation is on Thursday. I'm SSD so I'll need to work on making sure I don't use my good ear as a crutch. 

What processor(s) did you get?  I'll be getting both the Rondo 3 and Sonnet 2 and then figuring out what works best for me for my actual usage.

Looking forward to chatting as we go down the road about the same time even though everyone says to be careful to not get stressed about comparing progress with other people, it is nice have  other people at the same stage.


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Congratulations @Theo!  Which processor are you using?


Definitely my favorite app for starting out is Word Success.  Skip the pretest and begin with step 1.



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And follow this link (click on gray arrow top right) to download a pdf of the aural rehab apps/activities that helped me the most @Theo

It is available to download so don’t worry about that in the image above

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Hi all, I am new here also. Surgery was Jan 19th and activation will be Feb 2nd. Following your progress as I am a few steps behind you and eager to learn all I can. Thanks Mary Beth for the listening suggestions. I will check them out after my activation.

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On 1/23/2023 at 7:01 PM, Theo said:

Hello everyone.  Surgery was December 27 and was just activated today so I'm a super-new user. I was eager to get started with this process after struggling for the last few years. Looking through the suggested rehab sites, I'm baffled where to begin.  "Here" seems like a good place to start. Grateful for this site and any guidance I can get. Thanks to all.


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Whoops! Guess I have a few more things to learn!

Rondo 3 and Sonnet 2 will be my hearing helpers.  Thanks Mary Beth for the suggestions. I visited my library today the picked up a few novels to pair with audio books from Libby via the library.  I'm told it may help to follow along reading while listening. We shall see. 

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On 1/23/2023 at 7:24 PM, Tim said:

Welcome Theo!  It might be your first post but you are already ahead of me - my activation is on Thursday. I'm SSD so I'll need to work on making sure I don't use my good ear as a crutch. 

What processor(s) did you get?  I'll be getting both the Rondo 3 and Sonnet 2 and then figuring out what works best for me for my actual usage.

Looking forward to chatting as we go down the road about the same time even though everyone says to be careful to not get stressed about comparing progress with other people, it is nice have  other people at the same stage.



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Hope things go well for you at activation. The process is pretty fascinating. It  was helpful that the audiologist didn't introduce me to the entire MedEl package at the first appointment, probably would have overwhelmed me with information. 

I too have Rondo 3 and Sonnet 2 on left and a bit of hearing in my right ear. Even that bit, I'm finding, is a distraction when doing listening exercises. Hopefully, the left and  right will meet each other in my brain and all will be well. Best of luck to you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Second programming appointment was Monday, February 2, and wondered if anyone else had this experience. .  I had been very pleased with my progress after activation....went to see a film and only referred to the closed caption device about 30% of the time, visited with a friend at Panera (quiet, not busy) and even had a brief phone conversation. Wearing CI constantly and  4+ hours a day with exercises and audio tapes seemed to have paid off. At appointment I pointed out having issues with consonant sounds in exercises and that some voices still sounded robotic and deeper than expected. Unfortunately, the adjustment and new programming seemed to make the issues worse, more challenging and frustrating. This may be expected, and I have another audiologist appointment in a week, so I'll hang in there. 

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In the early weeks after activation things change quickly.  Keep track of the errors in consonant sounds the week leading up to your next appt and show it to your audiologist.

I heard bat but the word was back.

I heard down but the word was gown.

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Thanks, Mary Beth. I plan to take notes and be more specific about what I'm experiencing. All-in-all, I'm still thrilled to have hearing where there was none.


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  • 9 months later...
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wishing you the very best on your second CI surgery today!  When you feel up to it, let us know how you are doing.

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Thanks for asking MB. Seemed like a long day but looking back at my notes from first implant last December, it was exactly the same.  No issues at all. Nothing I would call pain but took one Tylenol just in case. I've  been so fortunate; now just have to be patient getting to activation in January. I certainly appreciate both groups that you host. It's so reassuring to hear the experiences of others in the CI boat, as well as the concerns of those folks making the decision to jump in. Wishing great experiences for them. 

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Terrific!!!  Looking forward to your activation and following your bilateral journey.  Rest easy.

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  • 1 month later...
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Is your second activation similar to your first one?  Mine were very different.

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Not so much. How did yours differ?  My appointment seemed a bit shorter, probably because I was familiar with the process. Like the first, I could hear voices right away and understood a few words...in the quiet audiologist's office. Not knowing how much and how fast things would improve was something I didn't have to think about this time. I already knew how much training and focused listening would help, so I came home on Monday and immediately headed for WordSource and Hearoes. Once I believe you mentioned that you still go back to the training sites periodically and I've tried to do that (Cochlear's phone site # is in my contacts list!)  I certainly notice that when I don't practice for a few weeks, my understanding slips a bit....so I try to heed your advice. I tested myself at yesterday's GoogleMeet by using the new (right) processor alone and I was pleased that I was able to follow the conversation. Had the CC turned on but mostly referred to it only when I lost focus. That's on me:wacko:.  Once again, thank you for the opportunities you provide for us to share our experiences and concerns. For many of us, this is our only opportunity to interact with others who "get it".

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I saw you test your newly activated side last night!  Smile

My second side liked music from the beginning but was slower to like speech than my first side.  However once it took off, it flew through the rehab activities and within 3-4 months it was balanced with the first side.


Thank you for your kind words.  It’s nice that we have a community of CI users to virtually visit with each month.  I always smile when I see you join in.

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Postlingualer Hörverlust, fortschreitender Hörverlust, bilaterale CI-Versorgung

Ich bin neu hier im Hearpeers Forum.

Ich wurde normalhörend geboren. Als Jugendliche von ca. 14, 15 hatte ich 4 Hörstürze. Damals konnte sehr viel gerettet werden, weil meine Eltern und ich schnell gehandelt und nichts auf die lange Bank geschoben hatten.
Als ich im September 2009 auf einem Hockeyturnier war, hatte jeder Athlet die Möglichkeit, einen groben Hörtest machen zu lassen. Ich nutzte die Gelegenheit. Da stellte man zufällig fest, dass mein linkes Ohr allmählich nachließ und mir empfohlen wurde, ein HNO-Arzt aufzusuchen. Ein wenig später suchte ich einen HNO-Arzt auf und bekam ziemlich schnell einen Termin. Es wurde ein Hörtest gemacht und bekam eine Hörgeräteverordnung für Links. Knapp 3 Jahre später im Mai 2012 auf einer Spätabendrunde trötete ein Obdachloser mir ins rechte Ohr. Es fühlte sich an wie betäubt. Am Folgetag rief ich sofort zu Beginn der Sprechstunde an und schilderte die Situation. Ich konnte mich sofort auf den Weg machen und somit kam ich als Notfall dran. Bei mir wurde ein Hörtest gemacht und bekam eine Hörgeräteverordnung für rechts. Immer wenn ich einen erneuten Anspruch auf eine neue Hörgeräteverordnung hatte, hatte ich es genutzt.
Anfang 2022 hatte ich einen erneuten Anspruch auf eine Hörgeräteverordnung und somit wurde erneut ein Hörtest gemacht. Der HNO-Arzt war erschrocken, als er mein Ergebnis vom Hörtest gesehen hatte. Er regte mich an für eine CI-Implantation. Er händigte mir eine Einweisung fürs Krankenhaus aus und ich holte mir einen Termin. Der erste Termin war zur Vorstellung, ab dem Folgetermin ging es mit den Voruntersuchungen los, die in 2 Termine aufgeteilt wurden. Mai 2022 waren die Untersuchungen beendet. In einem kleinen Gespräch mit dem leitenden Oberarzt, der auch der Operateur ist, hatte mir zu CI's geraten. Danach kam relativ flott das Aufklärungs- und Anästhesiegespräch. Anfang Juli 2022 und Anfang Juni 2023 waren die CI-Implantationen.

Ich trage beidseitig SONNET 2 Audioprozessoren. Ich bin froh, die Entscheidung getroffen zu haben, mich implantieren zu lassen. Ich höre nun viel besser als mit Hörgeräten zuvor und kann vieles wahrnehmen, was vorher mit Hörgeräten nicht möglich war. Ich habe dadurch wieder viel Lebensqualität zurückgewonnen und bin auch wieder kontaktfreudig geworden, während der Zeit mit Hörgeräten irgendwann ein sozialer Rückzug war und ich mich kaum irgendwohin blicken ließ. Der Gewinn an Lebensqualität ist ein sehr großes Geschenk, denn der Mensch gewinnt seine Unabhängigkeit wieder zurück und mehr Spaß am Leben teilzuhaben macht einfach Laune.
Ich genieße das Hören mit den CI's, ist viel klarer und feiner im Ton als mit Hörgeräten zuvor.
Meine CI's möchte ich auf keinen Fall mehr missen wollen.


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@Julia Diener

Welcome to HearPeers and congratulations on your CI with Sonnet 2.

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On 24.1.2023 at 01:01, Teddy said:

Mit welcher App du CI-Hörtraining sehr gut machen kannst ist die App Schallquelle, ist für sowohl für iOS als auch für Android verfügbar. Ich war im Positiven Sinne davon hochbegeistert.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Don't know how to translate. Any suggestions?

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select and highlight the text, then select translate (you may need to first select the right arrow in order to see TRANSLATE as an option



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8 hours ago, Mary Beth said:


select and highlight the text, then select translate (you may need to first select the right arrow in order to see TRANSLATE as an option



Good suggestion but it is browser dependent.  It looks like your suggestion is for Apple Safari. 

I don't see an option in FireFox.  (Perhaps there is an add-on for it but I haven't tried exploring on that.) 

On Chrome, there appears to be an option that looks a little different. image.png.211367175583c703eafab30a360ff0f8.png

I also sometimes copy and paste into a window for google translate page.  Usually I just skip the message though.  Also, it makes their messages much harder to search or refer back to.  Certainly can't hold it against anyone for posting in their native language since that is what I do but it would be helpful if they included an English translation so that it was searchable.



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My post is how it works on an iPhone 

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