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Nervous !


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Just got a surgery date for my daughter ... in two weeks!!! 

Im so nervous and excited. 

Of course, I am second guessing myself too ! 


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  • HearPeers Heroes

Exciting and understandable!  Are you implanting her deaf side?  Which CI center are you using?  Can't wait to follow your daughter's story.  Wishing her the absolute best!

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Thank you !! 

Yes, the her deaf side and we are using Med-el! 

So happy to have found the forum! 


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We picked sonnet ! she is develomentally delayed, so we figured the consistancy would be best for her. 

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Best of luck!  Keep us posted.

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  • HearPeers Heroes


i am very happy for you!! Now comes the wait for surgery.?

Your youngest (now 18) is special needs as well. He is extremely routine oriented. He has typical hearing so we didn't have that challenge. When he was younger, if we had tried changing anything from "the usual" it would rock his world

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My daughter, 17, definately is stuck with her daily routine too. It's hard to break them out of their comfort zone.  I think thats my biggest worry of all.

I am hoping we have a  successful outcome and she enjoys the journey the best  she can because its so rewarding.

I am actually in search of a childrens book on cochlear implant so we can prepare her. I will be busy in Barnes and Noble tomorrow :) 

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oppps ... I just noticed .. I made a lot of typos! Sorry ! 

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  • HearPeers Heroes

You might want to check with one of the peds. CI Audiologists at your clinic. They might be able to point you in the right direction

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Contact Med-El.  They have books geared for young children called Mellie Gets Her Ears or something like that.  It has great info. It is also available to download on Med-El's website.  They have books for older kids too but they don't explain the implant process.

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  • HearPeers Heroes


have you had any luck finding a book or materials to help explain your daughters CI adventure? 

Another thing we used a lot when our son was younger was a social story book explaining step by step in picture and written what is going to happen. 

I went to visit a school here locally where there were classes that had all Deaf students. Middle school. I borrowed an implant (for display in my audis office) from my Audi and brought it with me to explain to the class what a CI was and what it does.

my son had to have surgery when he was much younger. We took him to the hospital about a week before his surgery and they let him see what the operating room looks like and put on their masks and hats so he could see ahead of time and be a little familiar. My wife was allowed to go with him into the OR the day of surgery. Once they put him to sleep, she came out. That did a lot to ease his anxiety. Maybe they will allow you to do the same.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Adam - you're speaking in general about your son's operation, aren't you?

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  • HearPeers Heroes

yes Ivana. He did not have CI surgery but is special needs. He would not have understood what was going on and would have been pretty frightened. We took him to the hospital ahead of time so he was familiar with nurses with face masks what the operating room looked like. This made the actual operation go a little smoother beforehand as he was already familiar 

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That was a great idea to bring him before hand. 

I ordered the book from Medel Co., they were great and only had to pay shipping. I also found a terrific book on Amazon. Both books had great pictures and easy to read text and understanding. It really helped her understand what is going to happen. We are prepared as we will ever be and ready for tomorrow .. the big day !!! 

Oh the nerves ! 

I will keep you all posted :) 


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  • HearPeers Heroes

Julesrdh, good luck tomorrow!!! Sure you will come back here soon with good news! Will think about you and your daughter tomorrow.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Awesome - how little things can make big changes...

Also, Julesrdh - [emoji1360]

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So finally home... surgery was delayed 2 hours.. it was a long day ! But its finally over ! Went well as per dr. [emoji846]Now just getting on the mend.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

So happy to hear and excited for the road ahead. Rest up! Now comes the waiting. ?

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