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I wondered if any one that has had a cochlear implant has had their body reject it? I was part of a clinical trial for patients having surgery to remove an acoustic neuroma to have a med-el cochlear implant to see if it recovered any hearing loss. Long story short, the implant did not work for me. I have had the implant for a year and a half and recently have experienced a lot of tenderness where the device is as well as the incision site, as well as pain and a pulling sensation. Just wondering if it is possible that my body is rejecting the implant. Anyone else experience this?

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  • 1 month later...
  • HearPeers Heroes

Bfree, I am sorry that you have that problem. What you surgeon thinks about your condition. I believe our implants have an outter layering that is inactive for any bio interactions with our body tissues.... But we are so unique so many unusual things can happen. Have you contacted Med-EL regarding this your issue? I wish you to find a solution for comfortable worry free hearing.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • HearPeers Heroes

It also can be a rare cause of internal infection when the electrode was implanted.

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