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My name is Jackie and I live in South Africa. I received a cochlear implant four days ago and am just dealing with the after effects of surgery (not so bad) and this weird feeling in my left ear :-). My hearing loss is, they say, hereditary but I cant find anyone in my family with this level of deafness so I suspect that they just dont know. I have the implant in my left ear which has been almost completely deaf for about 10 years. The deafness in this ear was sudden and no-one would believe me when I told them i couldnt hear anymore in that ear. Very frustrating and I am not a great fan of these "experts" although I did finally find both an audiologist and a surgeon that I trusted enough to go ahead with this procedure. I have a ha in my right ear and about 65% hearing in that ear.

I am a college (we call it university) lecturer and have taken this step because teaching - which I love- has just become so very difficult without being able to hear and interact correctly with my students. I am also approaching retirement but have no sense of wanting to slow down or stop working and so being able to hear and work is important to me.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Wishing you all the best Jackie.  Welcome

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Welcome to HearPeers Jackie! Good luck on your journey ?

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