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Post op visit


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I just had my post op visit ( cochlear implant surgery was aug 31) ) activation is Sept 29.surgeon says everything looks good and I can do anything but contact sports!she did say when I asked that full healing is 4-6 weeks .my ear still feels a little numb and the area of the implant and incision still is tender ..my ear still has a full feeling ..I know it varies I was just wondering people experiences how long it took for them to feel "normal" :)

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  • HearPeers Heroes

That's awesome Jane! Glad to hear things are going well. Yes the "full" feeling varies for everyone. Mine was very painful for quite some time. 

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Kara is right.  It varies for everyone.  I didn't experience the full feeling in my ears but I did experience my outer ear feeling numb and some taste disturbance.  Both improved over time and everything is back to completely normal.  I do not recall how long it took.  

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Thanks that's what I thought I've just been reading past forums of people talking about the healing process and how it varies for everyone..

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