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 Dear, All. I'm craving to get more information about Cochlear implant surgery. My little daughter is 2 now and she doesn't hear , deaf. Now I'm in tough position to make up my mind do or not to do. Please begging you to give me all details regarding this  issue . 1. No one give any guarantees ? 2 What will be after surgery and during ? No one knows..  3 How often do I have to I fix implant? 4 How does kids feels after all? 5 For how long this implant will work duration.. What if facial nerve will be detected.. please advise me, thank you.

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Hi Julia,


I recently became deaf in one ear and was very nervous about having the surgery because of lots of the reasons you said above, but I saw a very good surgeon who explained everything in great detail to me and reassured me so I went ahead with the surgery.  I know it’s a huge decision but I can tell you that I am only just over two weeks post-switch on (I had my surgery a month ago) and I already LOVE my implant and can hear again - it is absolutely amazing and I am so thankful I had the surgery.  That is just my experience and I know everybody is different.  I wish you the very best of luck and would advise having a chat to a good surgeon as they will be able to explain things very well for you and that may help you decide either way Xx

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Hi Julia,


As a Teacher of the Deaf I work with children who are deaf and have cochlear implants.  They do wonderfully.  The younger they are implanted and receive aural rehab, the better they tend to do.


As an adult who became deaf, I have bilateral cochlear implants and they have changed my life.  I am so thankful for this technology.


I wish your daughter the best.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

I too am deaf and it has changed my life! I can function on my own well in public. I can again use the phone  I can listen to music directly or indirectly. Your questions are great ones but since we are none Drs we can't answer all your questions. I have heard so much good info bout Med El and success rates etc that I'm so happy to have what I have. Please make a list of questions for your surgical team so they will be able to address your concerns. There is some info on our forum about these issues you ask about. Have a good look around. Our techie CI-borgs may be able to help. @hadron. @Ivana Marinac

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Hi @Julia Thanks @Kara of Canada

I admire your desire to know everything you can about CI surgery for your daughter.

Yes there are lots of details concerning CI surgery. The best source for this information is a CI surgeon.

Fortunately one of the most admired and experienced CI surgeons, Dr. Debra Tucci, has a video you can view which describes the details of the surgery. You can stop and restart it at your convenience. 

Link to the video is below. It is the second video around 58 minutes duration. 


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  • HearPeers Heroes

I too wanted to know how everything was going to go. Thanks Hadron fro the video. I watched a few of those before my surgery. Ivana is a busy lady but has loads of advice!! @Ivana Marinac Where are you? 

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Thank you so much for your reply and suggestions.

But I have few more questions . As for now i have 3 kids and my ex doesn't support us. And I live in place where is no such surgeons and clinics  that means I have to find such money for surgery and post surgery process but it will take time and money as well. So what shall I do, because each time I have to travel 4 times a year etc.. Some problems with implant or processor again expenses and I have 2 more kids left at home. My point it will never ends after surgery?!!  And  the other point is its easier to explain to an adult  how to behave after surgery and not easy to explain to kid age of 2!

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Activation is different for everyone. My clinic I went weekly the first month then once a month till three months. Then at six month then one year. Then annually. Plus if you have any issues you many need to go back. I haven't gone longer than seven months yet and I'm at 22 months since activation. I find I need mappings as I am constantly gaining sound and thanks to my brain it has been learning and gaining so there is need to go when never you may need. Yes this device is very costly parts and replacements as well. Thanks to Med El there is a five year warranty and most parts are covered as well. Some parts need to be replaced every three months like the mic covers. Tell your young ones your ear(s) broken and it's getting fixed. So it will take some time to heal etc. I hope you can benefit from an implant as it is an amazing gift. Best of luck. Kara 

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Correct me if I was wrong I thought it was for you Julia. Sorry for the misinterpretation. 

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