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Traveling Info

Dave in Pittsburgh

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hello everyone 

Have a general question what parts should we take with us when traveling I take the dryer if I am gone for a week or more and of cours the battery charger always but I was just wondering about the others parts.

Should take everything the 2 trays that came with the implant,they do fit in the computer bag ? nicely 

Thanks a lot



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  • HearPeers Heroes

Hi @Cintipgh (Dave),

Are you using Sonnets?  Do you have back up processors?

When I travel I bring:

-extra Sonnet mic cover

-extra Sonnet battery cover

-disposable battery pack for Sonnet and disposable batteries

-dry kit

-rechargeable battery charger

-rechargeable batteries in the wallet

-extra coil cable

-back up processor

-if I will be somewhere where waterwear is used, I bring the waterwear covers and items I use in the water to secure the processor

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Hi Mary Beth

Thanks for the reply yes I do have the Sonnet and thanks to my insurance I received extra processor, so I do bring that along

never thought of extra cable and disposal batteries for backup I always have extra batteries in the wallet with me at all times again I say a big thanks for your info



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  • HearPeers Heroes


Hi Dave,


You are welcome.  I have experienced more than one problem with my Sonnet rechargeable batteries (although I continue to prefer them over the disposable batteries for Sonnets since the Sonnets sound better to me with rechargeable batteries even though I do not understand why that is the case. But others have noticed the same thing too.). So I always have the disposable battery packs and batteries with me in case something goes wrong with the Sonnet rechargeable batteries, charger or adapter when I am away.  Like you, I never leave home without the extra rechargeable batteries in the wallet.


I like to know that I will not be without sound.  Smile.


I also bring along a way to link to audio on planes etc so don't forget to think about that too if it applies to your trip.  Have fun!

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Oh and don't forget the tool to remove the pin in case you need to change the mic cover!

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Hi Mary Beth

Thanks for the info. I have become very lax in checking in on the forum, I always enjoyed you and Adam advice I have and I will starting now to get back to the forum.


If I remember correctly you live up in the north east part of the country? So if that is the case getting ready for the snow. I am coming up on my one year for the CI Oct 27 it sure has been a journey but a happy one I sure do hope it has been one for you also


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Hi Dave,

It's always great to see you active here.  The first year after activation just flies right by doesn't it?  So many new discoveries.  My right side has been activated for 2.5 years already which is so hard to believe.  My left side will soon celebrate its second year.


have a wonderful trip.

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  • HearPeers Heroes



look above for packing items.


I no longer travel with Sonnet rechargeable batteries so I no longer bring rechargeable batteries, battery wallet nor the charger.  I use disposable batteries now.


As long as I have back up processors, I don’t worry about bringing copies of my MAPs.  If something happens while I am traveling, I can always just switch to the backup processors.  Oftentimes, I choose my Rondos as backup processors since they are with me anyway for waterwear use and they do not have as many parts that may break.

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