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Sonnet hook

tar m

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HI everyone, 

Am so glad to join this community. Am a father of 2 years child using sonnet.... Am facing a problem that he keeps breaking the hook I tried to find ear gear which cover all of it but I couldn't... I saw cochlear has many kinds of spare parts in such cases any idea to solve this??

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Hi @tar m. Welcome.

Is your young child breaking the hook because he can remove his Sonnet?  You may be able to solve this by using one of many ways to help keep the Sonnet on his little ear.

Med-El sells huckies, which are like huggies. They also sell headbands for young users.

Some parents like mic lock tubing, which you can find here:


(There are a number of active teens and adults that like this kind of mic lock tubing too.)

There are numerous options for headbands that are designed for young CI users too.  A quick internet search will show you many different design options.


Some parents have their audiologists make a comfortable, vented earmold which also helps to hold the Sonnet in place.


As far as ear gear covers ......I am not aware of any that actually cover the hook.  Sorry.


I wish your son the best!

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