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how do you function in meetings?


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  • HearPeers Heroes

I read on a FB group that CI implant users can't gear in meetings. 

Where else do you struggle in hearing??

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Hi @stream2525,


I am in meetings for work often and hear fine with my CIs.  Some people use assistive tech, like Roger System, to help them Hear well in meetings.  There is a wide range of listening performance with CIs.  Some people do well in situations where other people struggle.  Everyone’s journey is unique.  You can help get the most from your CI by doing aural rehab and learning about assistive tech options that may help you in difficult listening situations.  A good resource for that is www.handsonhearing.com

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Depends on lots of factors for me, including size and shape of the room, distance from speakers to me. But generally I do OK.


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  • 2 months later...

My meetings are not face to face.  I work from home.  The company I work for is global so I communicate with people in the UK, Australia, India, US, Russia...  The meetings I am involved in are conference calls using Gotomeeting, Skype, caption phone/internet service, and even IM sessions.  Often the meetings end up being a combination of screen sharing, voice and instance messaging with multiple people.  I use whatever tools are available to aid in communication and understanding.  The tools help but are not always successful.  


  • Bluetooth/T-Coil - I wear my Quatro throughout the day.  It is used to connect to my cell, laptop, caption phone.  Depending upon what I am doing i may end up with 2 neck loops (btw and wired) switching back and  forth.  Gets confusing at times.
  • Gotomeeting or Skype - Used for screen sharing, voice and IM.  There are instances where voice quality of these tools is better than using a phone.  Just depends upon how the user on the other end is connected.  The saying a picture is worth a thousand words is the best way to explain why I use these tools.
  • Cell phone - I like the sound quality of using a cell phone in combination with the Quatro.  But it does depend upon the quality of the connection for both callers.
  • Captioning (phone and web version) - I have used captioning for meetings but not as much anymore.  It does not keep up with the conversation.  It does provide a log of the call and allow me to review the meeting conversation afterward to verify I understood all that was being discussed.  A lot of times if I do not understand the conversation, captioning does not either.
  • Instance Messaging - I am not sure how I survived before using IM to communicate with people I work with.  Most of these people are on the other side of the world.  We use IM to fill in understanding segments of conversation, interpretation/meaning of phrases...  And that applies to both sides of the conversation.  I have difficulty understanding accents and often my phrasing of a subject needs additional explanation for the caller on the other end.

The tools are helpful, but in the end the best aid to understanding a conversation is speaking to someone that speaks distinctly...  At the beginning of most meetings I usually tell people I have a CI and ask them to speak distinctly.  This usually works for a short period of time and then they get tied up in the conversation and forget.  I find the fewer people on the call, I usually understand the conversation better.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Hi treesrd1896, I understand you very well. Sometimes teleconferences can be such a challenge. And I also noticed, that often, it is hard for people to remember to speak distinctly, especially when hot topics are discussed. I can add only one thing to what you do, when I have meetings via phone with something very  important discussed that I cannot miss and feel that interrupting a conversation and asking to repeat is not the option, I ask some of my trusted coworkers to participate so they can "translate" me some saying I am not sure I caught correctly. I always fell pressure before meetings, and a big relief after them. It is never the same easy like it was when I could hear well but it is much easier that I did it with a help of HA. But cheers! We can do it! :)

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  • HearPeers Heroes

By the way, have you used the application provided by Cochlear "Adult telephone with confidence"? It helped me a lot to start believing in my phone skills and became more dependable in phone conversation.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

I used that a lot too.  Has anyone tried using AVA while on a conference call via speakerphone?

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  • HearPeers Heroes

I need to try it. Have never heard about it. Thank you, Mary Beth, for this tip.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Unlike InnoCaption which uses live stenographers to caption the incoming voice on our cell phones and lets us speak for ourselves......(US funded by FCC charges ).....AVA uses software to caption live voices.


The ACA app is free and the first 5 hours of use monthly is free.  If you wish to use it more than that, there is a cost.  It is not US specific.  You can have AVA caption a one on one conversation by aiming your phone’s mic at the speaker or by setting the phone on the table near the speaker.  In groups, multiple people need the app on their phones and you set up a group conversation.


So I am wondering if it would be helpful when on speakerphone.


AVA software learns as it goes so expect some errors.


If the speaker does not speak clearly, no service nor app is effective.


On another note, you can also place the tiny Artone Mic near the speakerphone (or plugged into it), and use a BT neckloop on MT or T.  I prefer the Artone 3 MAX BT neckloop for sound quality, size and ease of use.


If you have a Roger System (transmitters and receivers), that would work too.  The Roger Touchscreen Mic has fabulous directional mics especially on a tabletop in noise.

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Thank you for your comments.

  • I find that my manager has a tendency to include at least one other member of the team on important calls.  He understands my difficulty...
  • I have Ava installed on my phone and have used it once or twice.
  • I will give the Adult phone with confidence a try.  I am always looking for ways to communicate better.
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