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Sandy L.

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Hi HearPeers,

I am very new to my Sonnet implant, which was "switched on" on September 25.

Wow, the world is such a noisy place. It's wonderful.

I have asymmetrical hearing loss, so I will always have to use a hearing aid in my left ear and right now that left hearing aid is very old, but chugging along with my new multi-coloured Sonnet. I love it. Eighty-five percent of my hearing comes from my left ear. Since surgery, I've not regained what little hearing I had in the implanted right ear.

Suddenly, I can hear music, birdsong, the wind and the sound of my dog panting when we go out for our walks. I hear the leaves beneath my feet. I hear the sounds of planes overheard and the sounds of cars behind me whilst walking. I can hear on the phone, somewhat, using the CI implant and my hearing aid on speaker phone, but it's not perfect, yet. Far from it.

I am interested in knowing if there are any telephone tips you can add. Is there equipment I should consider. I never used a telecoil with my hearing aids and do not have one now set up on my fine tuner. That can be adjusted when I get a new hearing aid, which I will, in time.

It's very reassuring to have joined a community of people with similar and far more CI experience. My family thought that the minute I was "switched on" I could go to a movie or to the theatre. I had to explain that this process is like learning a new language and it's no "slam-dunk," but it's a wonderful journey and I'm thrilled beyond words, thus far.

Thanks in advance for all or any tips you can offer.


Sandy L.


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  • HearPeers Heroes

I feel like I may have answered this under a different thread but in case I did not.....

check out telephone with confidence online.  Boring but very helpful.


look at our rehab topic for lots of suggestions.  Very helpful topic indeed. 

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Going to say the same thing. Telephone with confidence. It’s a Cochlear website thing but it worked really well for me. You can call in everyday and follow along on your computer iPad etc to see what your hearing so it makes sense. They have a list of words or a pong and short paragraph read out loud. Each day is different. And they use different voices each day. Here’s the link to make it easy. http://www.cochlear.com/wps/wcm/connect/us/communication-corner/program/adult-telephone.htm

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