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Sunnybrook Implant Toronto

Rob Gellner

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I was curious if anyone here has had an implant done at Sunnybrook in Toronto and who your surgeon was?  Did they use Otoplan to map the CDL cochlea duct length?  Did they use a robotic device to help with the surgery?  Thanks I guess Ill find out all this December 4th but thought I would ask ahead of time.





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I was implanted at Sunnybrook in June 2021. The surgeon was Dr. Joseph Chen. I am not sure if he used the Otoplan but I think he did. He had a MRI for reference. He certainly prefers Med El devices.

I have a transcript of the procedure and there is no mention of a robotic device.  It was during Covid so it took about a year from the acceptance test instead of what should have been a few months. Surgery was straight forward. Went in at 7:00 surgery at noon and discharged at 4:00. No pain or side effects. Activated a month afterwards . 

let me know if you have any other questions.

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My implant was at the London Health Science Centre University Hospital. I now have both sides implanted (right side 18 yrs ago, left side 6 weeks ago) by Dr. L. Parnes. As far as I know, there were no robotic device to do the implant and I’m not sure if Otoplan is being used yet - I understood that there is a study for SSD patients that the other surgeon, Dr. Agrawal is part of which Mary Beth posted last month but I can’t seem to find it at the moment.

I would ask your audiologist or the surgeon both those questions if you can - I ended up emailing my audi lots of questions just from reading so much through this helpful group on this forum 😁

Glad to help with any other questions!

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