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Getting a haircut...

Brent Shaub

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Hello, my first post may reveal my naivity on subject, but I'd rather ask than not know.

When getting a haircut, do you take your CI off?  Is the internal part completely under the skull and the outer part removable?

Basic question to help understand how to get a haircut.

Thank you


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All questions are good questions here @Brent Shaub.  We are a friendly group.


After I chat with the hairdresser I remove my processor and she knows I will not hear anything while it is off.

Before chemotherapy I had her cut most of my hair off with a number 2 buzz cut.  I told her ahead of time that I had metal and magnets in my head and showed her where they are.  Everything went fine.  No issues at all.

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I just take off my CI and don't worry about mentioning it. The internal implants lay flat enough it isn't something I find worth worrying about.

With single-sided deafness, I still have one good ear to hear what is being said so I don't need to give them a headsup about hearing.

The CI is an improvement over the earlier situation when I bone conduction device  where I had to explain why I had a Titanium screw sticking about a half inch out of my scalp.  (Nice to not bump it but it is harder than their tools...)

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Thanks, Mary Beth and Tim.  These kinds of communication are new to me, and I appreciate reading the things to say / experiences. 

Again, thanks.

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I usually shave at the same barber. The first time I went, I told the barber that I was using CI. After that everything went well. However, I get my hair cut by the barber with scissors, not with an electric razor.

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@Brent Shaub I asked mine about that and there is no change on their end from before and after. My sides are somewhere between 0 and 2 depending on the weather forecast. I don't feel it when they use the trimmer over my implant spot and they say it doesn't change anything for them. I guess bumps and divots are common on heads. I take mine off when I show up and I don't put it back on until I'm ready to leave.

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Ooooh, i have a cut (before implant!) Shaved one side, hair long on the other. I have not let anyone shave for two years, only myself. Its time, just putting it off. I have had slight trims on the ha side, but after 2 years those hairs are very long like middle of my back. Im just scared lol

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My mother does my hair so I don’t encounter any problems. A perk of having a licensed beautician as a parent. 

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I have an in-house hair dresser wanna be....let him "trim" and he cut a chunk so havnt allowed for over a year.

I have a grand niece in the middle of cosmetology school, she is "allowed" lol.

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Yeah, you just take off your processors after you chit chat about what you're looking to do.  It's fine to explain you have a CI, show them the spot and forget about it. Unless you're getting a cut within a couple weeks, it won't be too noticeable although there will be a small bump.  Have had my Barber since a bit before my first surgery.  Dudes awesome.  Buzz cuts, varying lengths or just regular styling with electric razor, scissors and straight razor which makes me think of Sweeney Todd every time.  I do feel bad sometimes not being able to chat while sitting in the chair or bringing somebody along to talk but he has coworkers in stalls nearby he gabs with so all good.

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On 12/6/2023 at 5:12 AM, Tim said:

I just take off my CI and don't worry about mentioning it. The internal implants lay flat enough it isn't something I find worth worrying about.

With single-sided deafness, I still have one good ear to hear what is being said so I don't need to give them a headsup about hearing.

The CI is an improvement over the earlier situation when I bone conduction device  where I had to explain why I had a Titanium screw sticking about a half inch out of my scalp.  (Nice to not bump it but it is harder than their tools...)


The CI is an improvement over the earlier situation when I bone conduction device  where I had to explain why I had a Titanium screw sticking about a half inch out of my scalp hair salon winter park.  (Nice to not bump it but it is harder than their tools...)

My wife and I moved out of state about 3 years ago. Since then, I have not gotten 1 single good haircut. My plan was to find someone who did a good job and stick with them, but that has yet to happen in the three years we have been here. I know it's just hair and it will grow back, but walking around looking like a pin-head for a month isn't fun either.

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