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How does MedEl handle upgrades?


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Hello everyone,

I was wondering how MedEl handles upgrades in software.

For example, those of you who have had CI's for some years, does MedEl contact you when advances are made in the software?

How do you go about getting the upgrades installed?

Do health insurances tend to cover a portion of the upgrades or is it totally out-of-pocket?



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  • HearPeers Heroes

Lisa from what I understand, with any new advancements in ref. to the implants, processors or software Medel notifies the recipients.

Rondo is a good example. I was notified soon after it was launched. But just with the rondo usually there is a bunch of buzz about impending launches. I am fairly certain unless you live under a rock, that you won't miss any new advancements.


As far as insurance I would imagine each persons plan might be a little different. My advice to you is to touch base with your patient rep at MEDEL as well as your audi as they will have details in what is covered and what isn't.

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Patient rep?


How do I find out who my patient rep is? 

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 Lisa, call the toll free number and ask for your rep using your state. You can also email them. Software updates are sent to the clinics and you get upgraded when you get remapped. Very easy peasy! Good luck, Ms. Lauziere, should you or you CI FORCE BE......... (Sound of tape recorder being engulfed in black and white smoke)

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Hi Lisa,


When there is a new software release (for example, a new version of the program your audiologist uses to do the fittings), each MED-EL area informs clinics about the software and how to upgrade it.


Not every upgrade means that you (or anyone with a MED-EL hearing implant) needs to go to your audiologist, because many of them are relevant to the audiologist. Other upgrades, like new coding strategies, would require you to visit an audiologist so that your audio processor can get the update. Your audiologist will let you know if this is ever necessary!


(Sorry that it took me a few days to get back to you! I hope this helps.)

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