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Just Starting CI implementation BiModal

Philip Fatula

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Should I use my hearing aid in my non-implanted ear while learning to use my CI?  Any experience one way or the other would be helpful.  Med-EL Mil 250 Flex 28 CI, Rondo 3 processor, Starkey Livio AI 2400 in other ear.  Thanks

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Congratulations @Philip Fatula!  My audiologist recommended wearing the CI all day long and wearing it alone at least 2 hours every day at first.  I wore it alone more than 2 hours every day to get it up to speed.


If you would like to meet other Med-El CI users think about joining in our March GoogleMeet.  It has free captions and we are a friendly group.  Just follow this link for more information 



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@Philip Fatula congratulations. I'm 7 months into my Rondo 3 with a HA in the other ear. I wear both the majority of time but sometimes I want to do rehab with just my CI and I'll turn off or take out my HA. Most of my rehab I do on my computer with is hardwired to my audiolink so that it sends sounds directly into my CI. My audiologist like MB's recommended wearing my HA all day to preserve any stimulation on that side. 

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Thanks kindly to both of you for your replies.  Given the success I have had in the first 24 hours, I will try to run it alone without the HA as much as I can for the first couple of weeks.  Thanks again.  

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