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Dismiss critical battery level warning in app


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I noticed the AudioKey app shows an icon when the battery is at critical level.

As other users have already pointed out, it would be amazing to provide this info to the OS, so we can make use of it in widgets for example.
Currently the OS always thinks the battery level (of AudioStream) is at 100%. I know that showing the exact level isn’t possible with exposable batteries, but changing the level to a critical 5% or so when a voltage drop is detected would already do the trick.

 Also while doing that why not adding an option to confirm the critical level? I want to be made aware of a low battery level, but I don’t want to be reminded of it every 10 seconds. Maybe I currently simply don’t have access to new batteries in a social situation? The beeps make it arguably harder for me to interact with others in such situations. Especially the use of AudioStream brought me into situations in which the batteries will run fine for another 4 hours until they die. I’d like to use these extra time and reduce battery waste by dismissing the battery alert in app.




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  • HearPeers Heroes


I believe our audiologists can turn off the low battery beeps if we wish.

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Wouldn’t that mean that the CIs will just stop working without a warning? I find the warning to be crucial, just not in an endless loop :^D

Your audiologist can definitely decrease the volume of the beep sound, which is what I already did.

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  • HearPeers Heroes


Yes you are correct and I have those beeps turned on as alerts as well.

But I never experience them because I choose to use power one implant  disposable batteries which last me a bit more than 2 full days of listening.  So every other morning, I change to new batteries.  This system works for me as the batteries would die early in my third day anyway.

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