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Pain with work office phones (landlines & more)


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Think retail or customer service settings, working at Costco or a Call Center. As someone with bilateral Sonnet 2 Cochlear Implants, I had to conduct eligibility interviews as part of my last job and I would be on the phone for at least half an hour or longer with a customer.

I always had to position the office landline phone to sit on my processor’s microphone and after the phone call ended. I felt a migraine from my implant area, it was consistent with the calls.

Through provided accommodation in that role, I used an iPhone to hopefully counter that problem. But the same problem remained and what seems to be the problem more specifically is the fact I keep it close to the microphone, like it rubs against it as I try to hear the customer better. Also, people change their pitch all the time throughout the conversation (I know I can adjust phone volume), and the fact interviews are at least half an hour long to gain the necessary information. Maybe I am overworking my processor. I always feel like I need a listening break after.

From this experience and recent Med-El innovation, I feel that the AudioStream is best suitable for employment that necessitates the use of a phone in a setting where putting a customer on speaker is not allowed because of not having my own office. I have used AudioStream in my personal life and had so much success with phone calls.

I want to point out I noticed that short like 5-minute calls are fine, I don’t experience any pain and I think it’s because all the factors I listed above are kept to a minimum.

The reason I bring up my issue is because I am interviewing to work at retail jobs like an auto store. I know these places might not necessarily go to the lengths to provide a disabled person with accommodation. But I should still try my best to ask for it.

A couple of questions: Is AudioStream in my situation an accommodation that would be accepted by a retail employer? I know they would need to buy a smartphone and somehow add the phone into the call lines. Has anyone had a similar experience or situation? If so, what did you do or discover and what was your takeaway?

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When I don’t want to take calls over speakerphone I forward my desk phone to my phone and take calls via AudioStream.

A nuclear option (for me) would be to plug in my AudioLink at work and take calls via that if not my AudioStreams. 

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Oh sorry - had an additional thought. We also have a call center here at my work and they use headsets. If you couldn’t stream for any reason you could request a headset with large cups and a microphone. Then if the ear cups can’t fit the longer audiostream, use the standard battery cover as you wouldn’t need audiostream if plugged in and using the headset. Just an additional option for consideration in case audiostream ever causes issues/dropped connection (it can be finicky at times!)

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