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I'm now an implantee!


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  • HearPeers Heroes

Did somebody mention nuts........mmmm.......nuts..........aaaaaaahhhhh.




You guys are all nuts.

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Still a bit light headed and get tired somewhat easily but no dizziness.

The only time I'm aware of a funny taste in the far right side of my mouth is when I brush my teeth; don't notice it at all with eating.

Ear pain is easily managed with Tylenol.


I did try putting in my right hearing aid this morning (now that the swelling's down enough to do so) and, sadly, did not hear a thing.  Perhaps I need to wait another couple weeks for swelling to fully subside before testing to see if I have any residual hearing left.

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Oh! forgot to mention: I took a shower and washed my hair today: that made me feel quite a bit better.

My incision seems long; I think it's because I asked surgeon to place the magnet pretty far back.

Sore throat from intubation is almost fully gone.


There: that's the full update.

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  • HearPeers Heroes


sounds like you are doing quite well considering. it takes a little while for the swelling to go down and also realize you head right now is thinking WHOA! what the heck just happened to me. I didn't have any taste problems but from what I understand, it corrects itself rather quickly.

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Lisa - you sound like a typical recovery. The soreness may last all the way up to (and even a bit after) your activation; I had very slight swelling even 4 weeks later, and the incision site is still sensitive, which isn't unusual for any incision as that can be the case for several months. I did find that putting antibiotic ointment on each day made it feel better.  Good luck on it all!



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  • HearPeers Heroes


did you loose much hair.

I'm just jealous of anyone with hair.

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Sounds good Lisa.  I put crystaderm cream on the scars and it helped to soothe and heal the them.  They may take a good month to 'cool' down.  I made the mistake of putting my aid on too.  Don't worry, it will become a non-issue.  Basically drives home the point that this is it -- no turning back. And overall CI is way better than HA any way.   As for tired, totally normal as it's the anaesthetic.  Don't push yourself too much.  It can take 2 weeks for some people to get over the chemical effects.  Just sleep often.  You need to be emotionally well for switch on.  The more rested you are, the better you can cope with whatever happens at activation. I found myself in tears sometimes.  It can hit like a freight train.  Some of that is the release of tension due to struggling with HA. Everyone is different of course.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Karen pefectly said. summed it up perfectly and I actually felt the same way.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Nice to hear - one more person in hearing world: congrats! ;)

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • HearPeers Heroes

Lisa, good luck with your activation tomorrow. I'm looking forward to your reaction. Keep us informed. I'm sure everything will go well.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Yes lisa good luck tomorrow. I know you have got to be excited. please let us know how it goes. Cant wait to hear about it.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Joining into the club of cheerleaders...Cool

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Awww, you guys are so sweet.


Here's how I'm feeling about tomorrow (see attachment):


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  • HearPeers Heroes

Well it's tomorrow already here - so how was the activation?

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  • HearPeers Heroes

ok Lisa lets hear it! how did it go??

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