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RONDO Magnets & Batteris


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This may be silly to some, but after one week of using the RONDO with magnet strength 2 I experienced an uncomfortableness on my scalp/head so I had to go to magnet strength 1 which has been fine and I get 5+ long days battery use.  The problem comes when I have to change the batteries.  The magnet strength 1 is so light it's hard to pull the dead batteries out.  I'm trying to knock them out or use my finger nails to dig them out ;-0   Finally, it dawned on my to carry the magnet strength 2 or 3 with me to pull the dead batteries out.  DUH....took me months to figure that out....


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  • HearPeers Heroes


Its great that you brought that up. I would also suggest to your customer service rep so maybe the can come up with an easier soloution than you having to carry an extra battery around.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey Adam - I'm such a goose... it finally dawned on me that I can unscrew the #1 magnet and use it directly to removed the batteries then screw the magnet back in.

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  • 3 months later...

I just used a knife to pop them out.  Your solution is better.  I started out with #3 and it still falls off sometimes when I sit down.  I am wondering if the itchy scalp is real a problem.  Have asked my audiologist to order me a #4.  I can't imagine using it without the fish line and clip although I really would like to.

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  • HearPeers Heroes


It might be safer to use a small refrigerator magnet to get the batteries out.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

Dillard, I had the #3 magnet and had the same itching problem. My audiologist told me to switch to number #2 to stop the irritation. I originally had number #3 just after my surgery when there was swelling. How long since your surgery?

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Take one of this (very) small neodyme-magnets. Put it over the battery and pull it out with the magnet. Works perfect.


For example :




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I just received my Rondo yesterday with the #2 magnet.  It repeatedly fell off my head and I'm very concerned about losing it.  My AuD is hesitant to go up much in magnet strength because of the effect on my healing wound.  Anyone have good suggestions for physically connecting the Rondo for the time being?  If the Rondo proves that it doesn't hold sufficiently well, is it really an improvement over the Opus?

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I just received my Rondo yesterday with the #2 magnet.  It repeatedly fell off my head and I'm very concerned about losing it.  My AuD is hesitant to go up much in magnet strength because of the effect on my healing wound.  Anyone have good suggestions for physically connecting the Rondo for the time being?  If the Rondo proves that it doesn't hold sufficiently well, is it really an improvement over the Opus?

Art, you should have been issued 2 tethers for your RONDO, one clips to your hair, the other can clip to you glasses or clothing. Are you also using the silicone "bumpers"? if you are, you might be able to go to the #3 battery due to the extra thickness of the silicone.  Is your skull still swollen?  The OPUS magnet strength is closer to a 2 than a 3 so you may have to wear the OPUS until your skull reverts to its normal shape.


When I used tethers, I used the second one as I didn't like the feeling of hair being violently removed from my scalp. Your results may vary.

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I didn't use any processor until I was 4+ weeks post-op and initially needed a #4 magnet to keep the Rondo on.  Once the swelling subsided the itchy scalp became a problem and now I'm using a #3 magnet (and my audi said I may some day drop to a #2 because even more swelling may dissipate).  Somehow I doubt I'll drop to a #2 because the Rondo does get knocked off relatively easily and if it weren't for the tether I would certainly have lost it by now.


One thing I like about the Opus2 is it is much harder to get knocked off (that one is also a #3 battery) - maybe because of the flatter magnet/coil.

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  • HearPeers Heroes

I'm using the #2 magnet with my Rondo plus the small tether and it very rarely falls off. Usually when I pull a t-shirt over my head. Actually, I find it so light that every once in awhile I check to make sure it's there. I do like this little device.

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  • 1 month later...

My son wears #3 magnets for both Rondos. He could use a little bit stronger on the right side, but it isn't enough of an issue to go up to a 4. To remove the batteries, we just turn the processor over and pull them out like we used to do with the coil of the Opus 2. He doesn't use either of the tethers or the silicone wrap. He does switch to the Opus 2 processors when playing sports. He loves his Rondos with his Skin-its!

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